Certainly, let's go through the code step by step and elaborate on each section:
The code starts by creating an empty list q which will be used to store elements. python
q = [] The program asks the user to input the range of the list (n), indicating how many elements the list will initially have. python
n = int(input("RANGE OF THE LIST:"))
The code then enters a loop to take user input for each element of the list and appends them to the list q. python
for i in range(n): E = int(input("Enter ELEMENTS of the LIST:")) q.append(E) The program then enters another loop where it displays a menu of various list operations and prompts the user to choose an operation by entering a corresponding number.
For each operation choice made by the user, the code performs specific actions:
Appending an element to the list. python
g = int(input("Enter The Element To Append:")) q.append(g)
Inserting an element at a specified position. python
g = int(input("Enter The Element To Be Inserted:")) pos = int(input("Enter Position of The Element:")) q.insert(pos, g)
Appending another list to the existing list. python
nl = list(eval(input("Enter New List:"))) q.extend(nl)
Modifying an element at a specific position. python
pos1 = int(input("Enter Position To Be Modified:")) ne = int(input("Enter New Element:")) q[pos1] = ne
Deleting an element by its position. python
pos2 = int(input("Enter Position Of the Number To be Deleted:")) q.pop(pos2)
Deleting an element by its value. python
el = int(input("Enter Element To Be Deleted: ")) q.remove(el)
Sorting the list in ascending order. python
Sorting the list in descending order. python
q.sort(reverse=True) Displaying the current list. python
print("\nThe List Is:", q) Exiting the program. python
If the user's choice is not within the valid range of options (1-10), an error message is displayed indicating an invalid choice.
The program continues to loop through the menu until the user selects the "EXIT" option (option 10).
The code concludes with the end of the loop and the message "END OF THE CODE."
In essence, this code provides a user-friendly menu system that allows users to interactively manipulate and modify a list using a range of operations. It provides options to modify elements, add elements, delete elements, and sort the list, all while displaying the changes in real-time. The loop continues until the user decides to exit the program.