Dynamic DNS realization for Aspia remote control application (https://aspia.org)
AspiaBot [-hvsgjdomti] -a=ip[:port] -u=user -p=password
Required arguments:
-a=<..>, --address=<..> Aspia router IP adress [:optional port numbet]
-u=<..>, --file=<..> Aspia user with administrator rights
-p=<..>, --file=<..> Password for Aspia user
Optional arguments:
-h, --help this help
-v, --silent print version
-s, --silent silent mode
-g, --debug print full session debug
-j, --jvm print Java runtime environment
-d, --domain set additional domain name for hosts' records
-o=<..>, --hosts=<..> path to system's hosts file
-m=<..>, --memeo=<..> add mnemonic names for hosts' records
-t=<..>, --timeout=<..> set timeout (in seconds) for TCP/IP session
-i=<..>, --id=<..> print TCP/IP address for requred ID
-n=<..>, --json=<..> export hosts list to json file
Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
sudo AspiaBot -a= -u=admin -p=password -o=/etc/hosts
Mac OS
sudo AspiaBot -a= -u=admin -p=password -o=/private/etc/hosts
AspiaBot -a= -u=admin -p=password -o="c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts"
List all active session on router:
AspiaBot -a= -u=admin -p=password
Get IP-address by ID:
AspiaBot -a= -u=admin -p=password -i=8 -s
Add additional name for some host records:
sudo AspiaBot -a= -u=admin -p=password -o=/etc/hosts -m"3:sql;9:Fido;18:doe_j"
/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/zulu-8.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -cp "/Users/Shared/AspiaBot/lib/*" info.malenkov.aspiabot.App -a="" -u="admin" -p="password" -o="/etc/hosts" -m"3:sql;9:Fido;18:doe_j"
C:\PROGRA~1\Zulu\zulu-8\bin\java.exe -cp C:\PROGRA~1\AspiaBot\lib\* info.malenkov.aspiabot.App -a="" -u="admin" -p="password" -o="/etc/hosts" -m"3:sql;9:Fido;18:doe_j"
- Java 8 or higher
E-Mail: [email protected]
Project code is available under the GNU General Public License 2.