- 🔭 Right now, I'm focused on specializing as Dev FullStack using tecnologies like JAVA SprinBoot ecosystem and using same frameworks front-end Web;
- 🤓 I love to learn new technologies and programming languages, at the moment i have studied about .NET and your ecosystem;
- 🎓 I'm currently I'm studying Computer Science at the Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC);
- 💼 Full Stack Software Developer JAVA Jr at Sinqia;
- 🌱 I really enjoy studying about Software Architecture to to improve my development;
- ✍️ I like to play sports most of my free time but something I've been doing a lot is taking the time to rest.
- 💻 Backend: Java| Spring | C#/.NET | ASP.NET | NodeJs
- 🌐 Frontend: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Bootstrap | Angular |
- 🛢 DataBase: SQL Server | MongoDb
- 🔧 Tools: Visual Studio | Git | Postman | Swagger | TSF | Github Actons | Jenkins
- 🖥 Design: Figma