Releases: DistanceDevelopment/dsims
Releases · DistanceDevelopment/dsims
CRAN release 1.0.4
dsims 1.0.4
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug when generating the simulation summary which meant that only the first value of mean.k and n.miss.dists was repeated rather than including all values in the summary tables. Issue #84
- The make.simulation function now throws an error if the P2 ER variance estimator is used with line transects designs (rather than after the simulation has completed). Issue #61
This is dsims 1.0.3 built under R version 4.3.1
dsims 1.0.3
Bug Fixes
- Simulations were crashing if there were zero detections - now fixed and warnings displayed instead. Issue #77
- Errors were also occuring when there were no individuals generated in a stratum, now fixed. Issue #80
- Detections are no longer permitted across stratum boundaries - this was causing errors due to NA area values in the data. This is inline with expected protocols on surveys. Issue #81
- Remove dependence on sp and rgeos. Issue #42
dsims 1.0.2
This is the version of dsims shipped with Distance 7.5 release 2.
This is the version of the dsims package which was released with Distance 7.5 release 1
CRAN 1.0.0
Version 1.0.0 as published to CRAN
dsims 1.0.0
New Features
- Reading transects from file - this functionality is primarily envisionged for use from within Distance for Windows
- New routine which will generate covariate values from a zero-truncated Poisson distribution for non integer values.
- There is now no lower limit on the number of detections in simulations as this was introducing bias. There is now a warning system in place. Very low numbers of detections may cause issues fitting. There must be more detections than there are parameters in the model for the model to have a chance of fitting successfully. Note that distance sampling good practice recommends minimum of 60-80 detections for estimating the detection function for line transects and more for points.
- Improved histogram.N.ests function will now plot either a histogram of estimates of individuals or clusters. It also provides the use.max.reps argument so that the plot can be consistent with the option selected for the simulation summary.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed simulations where cluster size was included - there was a formatting change in mrds output tables.
- Added a check for repeat model definitions.
- Add code to deal with equal model criteria values.
- Fixed bug when no simulation repetitions had been successful
- AICc method fixed
- Warning indexes from parallel runs are now fixed
CRAN dsims-0.2.0
dsims 0.2.0
New Features
- Delta selection criteria is now recorded as the difference in informtion criteria between the top 2 best fitting models as determined by the information criteria.]
- The iteration numbers generating warnings or errors are now stored and displayed so user can choose what to do with these results.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed missing RMSE values
- Fix strata re-ordering for cluster size
- Models with -Inf information criteria no longer selected
- Models with dht = NULL are no longer selected
- Models which predict detection values < 1 no longer cause errors and are correctly excluded.
- Detectibility parameters for continuous covariates are now checked and validated.
- Fix situation where all reps are to be excluded due to problematic model fitting.
The first CRAN release of dsims: Distance Sampling Simulations