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Django Boston Users Group

Popular repositories Loading

  1. DjangoBoston DjangoBoston Public

    Wiki for the Django Boston meetup group.

    Python 13 3

  2. Playbook Playbook Public

    Meetup Playbook for Django Boston (Alpha)

    2 1

  3. django-static-precompiler django-static-precompiler Public

    Forked from andreyfedoseev/django-static-precompiler

    Django Static Precompiler provides template tags and filters to compile CoffeeScript, LiveScript, SASS / SCSS, LESS, Stylus, Babel and Handlebars. It works with both inline code and external files.

    Python 1

  4. djbox djbox Public

    Project to set up a Django development environment in Vagrant using Ansible

    Python 1

  5. libsass-python libsass-python Public

    Forked from sass/libsass-python

    A straightforward binding of libsass for Python. Compile Sass/SCSS in Python with no Ruby stack at all!


  6. Public



Showing 9 of 9 repositories
  • mulsite-demo Public

    Demo for virtual app hosting with Django

    Python 0 MIT 0 0 1 Updated Feb 7, 2024
  • Python 0 MIT 0 0 1 Updated Sep 22, 2021
  • HTML 0 0 0 0 Updated May 1, 2018
  • djbox Public

    Project to set up a Django development environment in Vagrant using Ansible

    Python 1 0 0 0 Updated May 25, 2017
  • libsass-python Public Forked from sass/libsass-python

    A straightforward binding of libsass for Python. Compile Sass/SCSS in Python with no Ruby stack at all!

    Python 0 MIT 58 0 0 Updated Nov 4, 2016
  • django-static-precompiler Public Forked from andreyfedoseev/django-static-precompiler

    Django Static Precompiler provides template tags and filters to compile CoffeeScript, LiveScript, SASS / SCSS, LESS, Stylus, Babel and Handlebars. It works with both inline code and external files.

    Python 1 60 0 0 Updated Oct 16, 2016
  • Playbook Public

    Meetup Playbook for Django Boston (Alpha)

    2 1 0 0 Updated Mar 7, 2016
  • django-domains Public Forked from marazmiki/django-domains

    An application that allows you to run many different sites on one Django instance

    Python 0 7 0 0 Updated Feb 7, 2016
  • DjangoBoston Public

    Wiki for the Django Boston meetup group.

    Python 13 3 3 0 Updated Feb 4, 2013