Tehnotron is a mobile marketplace for technology enthusiasts built on React Native, allowing users to register, list and explore tech products. The application offers a responsive and intuitive interface, coupled with robust backend capabilities. The backend is powered by ASP.NET Core, utilizing Entity Framework Core as its ORM and SQL Server for data storage. The app leverages Identity Framework for enhanced security procedures. Authentication is based on username/password credentials, employing JWT tokens to ensure secure communication between the client and server. The entire architecture adheres to the Onion Clean Architecture principles, ensuring maintainability and scalability.
React Native: A renowned cross-platform mobile application development framework allowing for the creation of native and high-performance user interfaces tailored for Android devices.
ASP.NET Core: A robust framework for building high-performance web applications, combined with Entity Framework Core as its ORM and enhanced security using the Identity Framework. Images are managed and stored using Cloudinary SaaS.
SQL Server: A leading relational database management system chosen for its scalability, performance, and security capabilities.