A rutorrent plugin for discord webhook notifications (https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook)
Sends messages directly into a discord channel with configurable parameters:
And if discord is properly set up, it displays desktop notifications the moment a torrent is added, deleted or finished:
- IMPORTANT: Make sure you have php-curl installed on the webserver that's hosting the ruTorrent install
- Download/clone the repo
- Add discordpush to your rutorrent/plugins directory
- Reload the web interface
You need to get your webhook URL from your Discord server, see here for how to do it: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/228383668-Intro-to-Webhooks
- In ruTorrent web interface, go to settings > Discord
- Paste the webhook url in the "Discord Webhook URL" box
- Choose if you want the "Ratio" to be included
- Enable / tick what events should be notified
- If you want to use Discord notifications on the iOS app, then you'll need to include your Discord user ID (so that the events 'mention' your user and therefore trigger a notification). See here for how to find your user ID: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/206346498-Where-can-I-find-my-User-Server-Message-ID-
- Fixed the payload for the Discord API (now works again)
- Fixed a stupid error with the inclusion of the "ratio" value
- This has been updated to work with ruTorrent v4 (should still be compatible with v3)
- This version now fixes the inclusion of the 'ratio' value
- This also enables you to specifically 'mention' a Discord user in the pushed message (which enables proper iOS notifications)
- Title now contains the torrent name, so that the discord desktop notification contains the complete Torrent title (was just "Torrent Finished/Deleted/Added" before)
- Reduced the amount of fields in the discord embed (can be re-added in the plugins/discordpush/discord.php file)
- Tracker now only displays the hostname without the torrent-key portion
- Overhauled discord messages, now uses embed rather than a text message
- Filesize numbers are now properly rounded