This is an example repository for the ESMARConf2022 Workshop 3
For the workshop you will need a GitHub account (
You need to download Git too
You will also need to download R and RStudio (;
Have a look at this outline of how to set up the link between your GitHub account and RStudio using the {usethis} package.
There is a website (made in GitHub) here with some notes from the Workshop:
During the workshop we aim to:
[] Understand the concept of version control
[] Understand the basics of linking RStudio to GitHub
[] Understand committing changes in RStudio and pushing these to GitHub (and pulling changes down to the local machine)
[] Understand how to set up branches in RStudio
[] Understand pull requests
[] Understand tools for collaboration (issues, discussion, etc)
Throughout the workshop we will try and be as "hands-on" as possible and I expect that you all will be confident to have submitted an issue and sent a pull request by the end of the workshop.