lost_spc Public
Library for statistical process control during the lecture of the OST in Buchs
RustyGains Public
A TUI application primarly to track strength training, but also some other activities. Still in it's infancy!
fitness_processing Public
Some scripts to automate the analysis and archiving of my fitness tracking
Python UpdatedJan 27, 2023 -
WhatToCook Public archive
Simple app to store own recipes and to get them recommended. This should help to decide what to cook from known recipes on a daily basis.
Vue UpdatedJun 29, 2021 -
gCode-utilities Public
CLI for some basic functions to modify gcode files for 3D printing
trainings-log Public archive
Website to log workouts in a quite flexible way. The target is a visual appealing page to track your workouts/weight in a flexible and efficient way. Stopped working on it, but still using it to tr…
RosterBuilder Public archive
Planned to be a website for automatically creating a work roster. Stopped working on it because I couldn't come up with an effective algorithm for a 100% flexible creation with all exceptions needed.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 30, 2020