Welcome to my cross-platform dots. These dotfiles focus on the following things:
- Minimal rice, but still looks nice
- More functionality
- Stability
- Better quality-of-life
- Fast as fuck
Each dotfile is managed with chezmoi, one of the best cross-platform dotfile managers.
I do recommend that you familiarize yourself with chezmoi first if you want to apply my dots using chezmoi.
Here are the tools which I currently used, organised by category:
- kitty as my terminal
- wezterm as my backup terminal
- neovim as my editor
- vim as my backup editor
- yabai as my TWM for MacOS
- skhd for making custom keybinds
- btop as my system monitor
- fish as my shell, with omf as my plugin manager for it
- zsh as my backup shell, with omz as it's manager
- starship for my custom prompt for every shell
- chezmoi as my dotfiles manager
Here are some utilities which I use on MacOS which have a GUI or have integrated dots:
- Alfred
- Visual Studio Code
- Safari as my browser (no bully)
- Neovide as my Neovim GUI
- yabai and skhd both need to have SIP disabled in order to properly work
You require the following fonts to be installed onto your system:
- Iosevka Term
- Victor Mono