Releases: Dungeons-of-Kathallion/Bane-Of-Wargs
Continuous Build
This is an automated build triggered by commit 5bd2633 (@OcelotWalrus). It may be unstable or even crash, corrupt your save or eat your kitten. Use with caution!
This release was made to be compatible with the 3.12 python version and the latest release of the required python module.
Certain features will not work with earlier version of python.
If you have an issues trying to install the game, please refer to the docs/ guide.
Find a guide to build the game yourself at the docs/ document.
v0.25 Alpha Stable Release
This update bring bugfixes, new features and new game content
It contains:
- Updated our PR template
- Fixed many bugs and crashes
- Fixed some typos as always
- Added a cross-system terminal color system
- Made the credits menu roll down
- Reviewed many dialogs and enhanced them
- Added a new
script in the root repo to allow dev to install their local data - Started the beginning plot in the Forlindon Woods, with the meeting of the Shaman, shedding light on the archipalgo (only very few missions for now)
- Added three new items: Lumberjack Axe, Giant Meat Ball and 30-yard Long Spaghetti
- Added new drinks: Rum, Hard Cider and Tea
- Added two new admin commands:
- Modified the enemies' damage coefficient calculation (check this wiki page)
- Added a new feature to mounts: feeding and death (check this wiki page)
- Added a new isle (still in development): the Shire Island! To visit it, run command
in the game and select the zone "The Shire" - Added two new enemies: the Shire Flying Beast and the Flying Spaghetti Monster
- Organized the data files
- Fixed the levers enigma game that wasn't accurately random
If you want the latest changes, check the continuous-build release.
Thanks to the contributors of the program:
- @lumbar527
- @MonkeyMatrix
- @TheGiraffe3 (NEW!)
And the team! @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/documentation-reviewers @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/playtesters @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/coders @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/inflow-control
pip install -r requirements.txt
python source/
It's highly recommende to use a clean terminal, with the ability to zoom in or out, in fullscreen, with a monospace font for the best gameplay experience.
If you have any problems, check the full documentation on how to run the game from nothing at docs/PLAYING.MD
Note that you can also download the pre-built game executable from the Continuous Build.
Full Changelog: 0.24-alpha-fix...0.25-alpha
v0.24 Alpha Stable Release
This update bring bugfixes, new features and new game content
It contains:
- Updated contribution guidelines
- Upgraded game data files analyzing
- Added flatpak builder compatibility
- New drinks: 'Los Gerudos Beer', 'Vodka', 'Champagne', 'Suspicious Cocktail'
- New enemies: 'Mines Troll', 'Desert Worm', 'South Pillager Rider', 'Fellbeast'
- New weapon: 'Chuckle Sword'
- Expanded the Los Gerudos city to the east of the Gerud Desert
- 4 new Los Gerudos Mission Set missions: 'Wanted Bandit', 'Escort Wendy To Cocorico Village', 'Escort Gerud Beer Covet', 'Collect Humanitarian Resources'
- Added copyrighting in both yaml and python files
- New people: Mark W. Hanson (Los Gerudos Sheriff), Wendy M. Tucker, Joseph K. Baker, Jerry L. Owen, Aaron A. Kyro, William S. June
- New structures in the Los Gerudos City: 'Los Gerudos Distillery', 'Los Gerudos Warehouse', 'Los Gerudos Prison'
- Added a new island, near the Los Gerudos coasts: Paradise Island, that has an harbor connected to the Los Gerudos Harbor
- Added South Pillager Raid Camps all over the Gerud Desert and Badlands
- Reworked existing dungeons (Goro Mines and Acient Gerud)
- Updated building source code documentation
- Added documentation about the game engine classes at
- Added the event data type
- Created the Custom Scripting Guide
- Added more default game variables for custom scripts, and added the ability to define custom ones
- Added new mission triggers
on abort
andon accept
- Added new conversation functions for dialog data type
- Fixed crash when downloading files
- Fixed crash when starting game for the first time
If you want the latest changes, check the continuous-build release.
Thanks to the contributors of the program:
And the team! @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/documentation-reviewers @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/playtesters @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/coders @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/inflow-control
pip install -r requirements.txt
python source/
It's highly recommende to use a clean terminal, with the ability to zoom in or out, in fullscreen, with a monospace font for the best gameplay experience.
If you have any problems, check the full documentation on how to run the game from nothing at docs/PLAYING.MD
Note that you can also download the pre-built game executable from the Continuous Build.
What's Changed
Roll Down
- CONTENT: Mission Set & Fixes by @OcelotWalrus in #95
- CONTENT/FEATURE: Missions & Dialogs Overhaul + Los Gerudos Missions Set Progress by @OcelotWalrus in #96
- CONTENT: Los Gerudos Mission Set & Content Expansion by @OcelotWalrus in #100
- FEATURE: Custom Scripts Arguments Overhaul by @OcelotWalrus in #101
- V0.24-alpha Transition by @OcelotWalrus in #102
Full Changelog: 0.23-alpha...0.24-alpha-fix
v0.23 Alpha Stable Release
This update bring bugfixes and new features
It contains:
- Random chance on mission conditions
- A better PR template
- A new preferences UI (with the ability to choose which plugins to enable)
- A new plugin handling system (multiple plugin loading and vanilla data merging with plugins data)
- Two new debug commands:
(find a point digit from its coordinates) and$teleport$point$
(teleport to specific X and Y coordinates). - A new mission about bringing back a lost dog to its owners in Los Gerudos
- Enhanced many texts across documentation and game dialogs
- A new class to handle yaml parsing in a better way
- Add two new dwarf mounts: Goat Steed and Dwarf Boar
- Made a script to run specific and extreme integration tests to the data
- Fixed inconsistencies across documentation and game dialogs
If you want the latest changes, check the continuous-build release.
Thanks to the contributors of the program:
And the team! @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/documentation-reviewers @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/playtesters @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/coders @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/inflow-control
pip install -r requirements.txt
python source/
It's highly recommende to use a clean terminal, with the ability to zoom in or out, in fullscreen, with a monospace font for the best gameplay experience.
If you have any problems, check the full documentation on how to run the game from nothing at docs/PLAYING.MD
Note that you can also download the pre-built game executable from the Continuous Build.
What's Changed
Roll Down
- PROGRESS: Plugin And Preferences Option Systems Revamp by @OcelotWalrus in #92
- fix[minor] - fix spelling (README) by @MonkeyMatrix in #94
New Contributors
- @MonkeyMatrix made their first contribution in #94
Full Changelog: 0.22-alpha...0.23-alpha
v0.22: Alpha Stable Release
This update bring bugfixes and new features
It contains:
- Basic vanilla plot
- Every item type and their uses
- Every planned features of the mounts
- Every planned features of the following map zone:
- village
- hostel
- forge
- blacksmith
- stable
- grocery store
- harbor
- dungeon
- Every plot functionalities (dialogs, missions etc...)
- The key functionalities
- Every raw material
- Game folder functionalities
- An environment for developing the map.yaml file easily
- An environment to build the program easily
- Fix major known bugs (
- Allow cross-platform compatibility
- Difficulty modes
- Split the program into different python classes to handle different part of the game engine process
- Enhance the general UI
- Logging system
- Github workflow checks
If you want the latest changes, check the continuous-build release.
Thanks to the contributors of the program:
And the team! @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/documentation-reviewers @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/playtesters @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/coders @Dungeons-of-Kathallion/inflow-control
pip install -r requirements.txt
python source/
It's highly recommende to use a clean terminal, with the ability to zomm in or out, in fullscreen, with a monospace font for the best gameplay experience.
If you have any problems, check the full documentation on how to run the game from nothing at docs/PLAYING.MD
Note that you can also download the pre-built game executable from the Continuous Build.
What's Changed
Roll Down
- Create requirements.txt by @lumbar527 in #1
- bugfix - change an integer into a float by @lumbar527 in #2
- bugfix - change an integer into a float again by @lumbar527 in #4
- Update by @OcelotWalrus in #11
- Update by @OcelotWalrus in #16
- Workflow bugfix by @OcelotWalrus in #20
- BUGFIX - Fix MacOS program compability (#21) by @OcelotWalrus in #23
- PROGRESS: Mission Data Type & More by @OcelotWalrus in #26
splitting by @OcelotWalrus in #27 - BUGFIX: Fix Code Style Checks by @OcelotWalrus in #28
- PROGRESS: Add More Colors To The Color Palette by @OcelotWalrus in #29
- FEATURE: Custom Utilities Creation by @OcelotWalrus in #30
- BUGFIX: Fix Weapon Upgrading Issues (#15) And Another Bug by @OcelotWalrus in #32
- FEATURE: Game Data Download Customization by @OcelotWalrus in #33
- BUGFIX/FEATURE: Custom Terminal Menu by @OcelotWalrus in #35
- PROGRESS/FEATURE: Add In-Game Gameplay Guide Documentation Checkout by @OcelotWalrus in #36
- FEATURE: Use Utilities Items In Fights + Bug Fixes by @OcelotWalrus in #39
- Update zones_colors.yaml by @OcelotWalrus in #41
- Update by @OcelotWalrus in #40
- Submodules Updates by @OcelotWalrus in #43
- Submodules Updates by @github-actions in #45
- Submodules Updates by @github-actions in #46
- Submodules Updates by @github-actions in #47
- Submodule updates patches by @OcelotWalrus in #48
- PROGRESS: Rework On The Dialog Dialogs (Added Conversations Functions) by @OcelotWalrus in #50
- PROGRESS: Add ASCII Art For Every Item by @OcelotWalrus in #51
- PROGRESS: Add Ability For Map Zones To Define Which Enemy List To Spawn At Night by @OcelotWalrus in #54
- FIX: Fix Wrong Multiple Metal Printing by @OcelotWalrus in #55
- Update by @OcelotWalrus in #58
- Update by @OcelotWalrus in #59
- Update by @OcelotWalrus in #60
- FEATURE: Consumable Effects by @OcelotWalrus in #57
- CONTENT: Game Days Upgrade by @OcelotWalrus in #62
- FEATURE-PROGRESS-CONTENT: Multiple Coordinates Moving by @OcelotWalrus in #64
- PROGRESS: Game Versions Checks by @OcelotWalrus in #66
- Ocelot walrus patch 1 by @OcelotWalrus in #67
- FEATURE/CONTENT: Mounts Upgrade by @OcelotWalrus in #69
- PROGRESS: Terminal Handling Class by @OcelotWalrus in #70
- PROGRESS: Churches & Experience Functionalities by @OcelotWalrus in #72
- PROGRESS: Allow Dialog To Run Custom Scripts by @OcelotWalrus in #73
- FEATURE: Traveling Rework & Mounts Stats Addition by @OcelotWalrus in #74
- FEATURE: Map Items by @OcelotWalrus in #75
- TWEAK/FEATURE: Battle-Train UI/System Overhaul + Saves Backups Feature by @OcelotWalrus in #76
- PROGRESS: Difficulty Modes by @OcelotWalrus in #77
- PROGRESS/CONTENT: Groceries and Harbors Functionalities by @OcelotWalrus in #80
- FEATURE/CONTENT: Add The 'X' command, Add More Vanilla Content by @OcelotWalrus in #82
- DOCUMENTATION: Credits And Copyright Implementation by @OcelotWalrus in #85
- PROGRESS: Selling Zones Discounts by @OcelotWalrus in #83
- FEATURE: Enemies Lists Overhaul by @OcelotWalrus in #88
- PROGRESS: Dungeons Functionalities by @OcelotWalrus in #90
New Contributors
- @lumbar527 made their first contribution in #1
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #45
Full Changelog: