The Mentor PWA is developed using the Ionic framework. This document provides instructions on setting up the development environment.
- Dependencies
- Setting up the CLI
- Setting up the Project
- Building the Application
- Debugging the Application
- Setting up the HashiCorp® Vault
- Creating a Jenkins® Job
- Deploying the Application Using an Ansible® Script
- Structure of Environment file, Server.js, and pm2.config.json
Requirement | Description |
Ionic CLI | Version 7.1.1 (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/@ionic/cli) |
Ionic Framework |
Capacitor |
Cordova |
Utility |
System |
Install the Ionic framework.
npm install -g ionic
Install the Ionic client.
npm install -g @ionic/cli
Install the Capacitor Core.
npm install @capacitor/core
Install the Capacitor runtime Client.
npm install @capacitor/cli --save-dev
- Clone the repository.
- Change to the latest GitHub branch (release-2.6.1).
- Add environment files into the src/environments folder.
- Go to the project folder and run
npm i
To add the Capacitor plugin, run the following command:
npx cap sync
To run a development build, run the following command:
ionic build
To perform an Ionic build and update any Capacitor plugins or dependencies, run the capacitor sync command.
ionic cap sync
Run the project on your local system using the following command:
ionic serve
- Open the running app in the browser.
- Start inspecting using Chrome dev tools or any alternatives.
After setting up the HashiCorp Vault, you must add the Vault address to the Jenkins Pipeline script and Ansible deployment script.
To automate your app deployment using Jenkins, do as follows:
Create a Jenkins job each time you want a deployment.
Add the pipeline script for the job inside the job’s Configure section. This pipeline will fetch the latest code from the given branch in the repository and run the Ansible script.
pipeline { agent any options { disableConcurrentBuilds() } stages { stage("git"){ steps{ git branch: '<branch-name>', url: '<github-repo-url>' } } stage("ansible run"){ steps{ ansiblePlaybook becomeUser: 'jenkins', credentialsId:’your-cred-id’, extras: "-e vaultAddress=<your-hashicorp-vault-address> -e gitBranch=<git-branch>", installation: 'ansible', inventory: '<path-to-your-inventory>', playbook: '<path-to-your-ansible-script>' } } } }
To build and deploy the application using an Ansible script, do as follows:
Add an Ansible script to the deployment folder in the root folder of your project.
Note: Update the script with details (such as paths) that are specific to your project.
- hosts: <your-host> vars: project_path: <path-to-the-project-in-server> root_path: <path-to-the-parent-folder-of-project> //Add variables here if needed. (Remove this line in your code) tasks: - name: Slurp host file slurp: src: "<path-to-hashicorp-vault-token>" register: slurpfile - name: Run the HashiCorp Vault credentials shell: "curl --location --request GET '{{ vaultAddress }}mentored-portal' --header 'X-Vault-Token: {{ slurpfile['content'] | b64decode }}' | jq '.data' > '{{root_path}}/data2.json'" register: vaultCurl - name: Change directory shell: cd {{project_path}} - name: Fetch the latest code git: repo: dest: "{{project_path}}" version: "{{gitBranch}}" force: yes - name: Update npm shell: cd {{project_path}} && npm i --force - name: Set permission shell: chmod 744 {{ project_path }}/src/scripts/ - name: Generate .env shell: cat {{root_path}}/data2.json | jq '.data' > {{ project_path }}/src/environments/environment.ts && sed -i '1s/^/export const environment = \n/' {{ project_path }}/src/environments/environment.ts register: envConfig - debug: msg=" cred {{ envConfig }} " - name: Change directory shell: chdir {{project_path}} - name: Fetch pm2 config file shell: "curl --location --request GET '{{ vaultAddress }}portalPm2Config' --header 'X-Vault-Token: {{ slurpfile['content'] | b64decode }}' | jq '' > '{{ project_path }}/pm2.config.json'" register: pm2 - name: Change directory shell: cd {{project_path}} - name: Remove www folder shell: rm -rf www - name: Build pwa app shell: cd {{project_path}} && ionic build --prod - name: Start pm2 shell: cd {{project_path}} && pm2 start pm2.config.json
Add the script's path to the Jenkins Pipeline script. When you run the Jenkins job, the script is executed.
To convert the JSON file that was fetched from the HashiCorp Vault to an env format, add the following script to
:#!/bin/sh tr -d '\n' | grep -o '"[A-Za-z\_][A-Za-z_0-9]\+"\s*:\s*\("[^"]\+"\|[0-9\.]\+\|true\|false\|null\)' | sed 's/"\(._\)"\s_:\s\*"\?\([^"]\+\)"\?/\1= "\2"/'
For deploying your application, you need an Environment file, Server.js, and a pm2.config.json file.
export const environment = {
production: true / false,
name: "<name>",
staging: true / false,
dev: true / false,
baseUrl: "<base-url>",
sqliteDBName: "<db-name> (if you have)",
deepLinkUrl: "<deeplink-url>",
privacyPolicyUrl: "<privacy-policy-url>",
termsOfServiceUrl: "<term-of-service-url>",
"apps": [
"name": "<APP_NAME>",
"script": "server.js",
"args": [],
"instances": "1",
"exec_mode": "cluster",
"watch": false,
"merge_logs": true,
"env": {
"NODE_ENV": "production",
const express = require('express');
const path = require('path');
const app = express();
const port = process.env.PORT || 7601;
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'www')));
app.get('*', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'www', 'index.html'));
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);