Here you will find basic libraries and simple project to help you get started in programming the STM32F103 (Blue Pill) using only CMSIS -- no HAL or STM32CubeIDE, etc.
- STM32F103-CMSIS-Setup
A step-by-step guide to setting up your Windows or GNU/Linux PC to program the STM32F103 using CMSIS (no STM32CubeIDE HAL) and the editor of your choice. Takes you from zero to blinky! - STM32F103-CMSIS-Blinky
Minimalist Blinky program for the STM32F103 / Blue Pill using only CMSIS.
- STM32F103-CMSIS-ADC-PWM-Example
Simple project to demostrate basic ADC and PWM functionality of STM32F103 (Blue Pill) using CMSIS.
- STM32F103-CMSIS-I2C-lib
Basic I2C routines for the STM32F103 (Blue Pill) using only CMSIS. This is the library only. See below for sample I2C projects. - STM32F103-CMSIS-I2C-AHT10-lib
AHT10 library and sample project to read temp and humidity and disiplay them along with "heat index" on an I2C driven 16x2 LCD. - STM32F103-CMSIS-I2C-EEPROM-lib
A simple EEPROM monitor that allows reading and writing to a 24LC64 I2C EEPROM via a serial terminal. - STM32F103-CMSIS-I2C-LCD-lib
STM32F103 (Blue Pill) routines and sample program to drive a 16x2 LCD with an I2C driver .
- STM32F103-CMSIS-LCD-lib
Sample project to control a 16x2 LCD module using an STM32F103 / Blue Pill. Does not use the I2C LCD driver module. - STM32F103-CMSIS-I2C-LCD-lib
STM32F103 (Blue Pill) routines and sample program to drive a 16x2 LCD with an I2C LCD driver module - STM32F103-CMSIS-I2C-AHT10-lib
AHT10 library and sample project to read temp and humidity and disiplay them along with "heat index" on an I2C driven 16x2 LCD.
- STM32F103-CMSIS-ADC-PWM-Example
Simple project to demostrate basic ADC and PWM functionality of STM32F103 (Blue Pill) using CMSIS.
A very simple USART library to provide serial IO functionality via a serial terminal like PuTTY for Windows or minCom for GNU/Linux. Includes a simple program that demostrates basic keyboard/display input output functionality. - STM32F103-CMSIS-I2C-EEPROM-lib
A simple EEPROM monitor that allows reading and writing to a 24LC64 I2C EEPROM via a serial terminal.
- STM32F103-CMSIS-1-Wire-lib
Simple 1-Wire library that includes a sample project that reads a DS18B20 temperature sensor and displays the temperature on an I2C-driven 16x2 LCD module.
- STM32F103-Delay-lib
Microsecond delay and halt routines for STM32F103 running at 8 MHz.