Releases: Eb3yr/Slugcat-ID-Finder
Janky WIP web GUI
Lots of jank, many missing features, but it's (mostly) functional. Extract the zipped folder, read the README inside, run IDFinder-App.exe and open the given localhost URL to get started.
Scavengers and multithreaded searching
Searching implemented
Searching for slugcats based on their properties has been added. Can currently search for Personality traits, NPCStats, SlugcatStats, and FoodPreferences.
The search algorithm works by using target values and weights for each property. The weights are multiplied by the difference between the target and actual values of each property and summed together. Any IDs with the lowest currently found weight will be added to a sorted list of a specified fixed length, displacing the most weighted element in that list.
An API to generate slugcats is being hosted at and has instructions for use on the page. It does not yet have searching functionality, mostly because of concerns about running out of processor time on the free subscription.
Includes the library to generate slugcats, the dependency Unity-XORShift, and a .csv file containing the personalities, npc stats, slugcat stats, and food preferences for every slugcat of IDs 1000-20000 inclusive. This csv can be sorted using "Filter" under the "Data" tab in Microsoft Excel, or the equivalent in any alternative.