i use the existing Postgres compatible parser from cockroachdb to generate the ast,
then i turn the ast to xorm builder, and use the builder to generate the translated sql
Most of the extracted codes origin of Postgres compatible parser: /cockroachdb/cockroach/tree/master/pkg/sql/parser
the project is WIP, now only limited grammar of postgres are supported, it's all from my project:
select a::int from b
will be translated to :SELECT CAST(a AS NUMBER) FROM b
insert into a(field1) values('value1') on conflict (field1) do update set b = 'value2'
:MERGE INTO a t USING (select 'value1' field1 FROM DUAL) s ON ((SELECT t.field1 FROM DUAL) = s.field1) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET b = 'value2' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (field1) VALUES(s.field1)
insert into a(field1) values('value1') on conflict (field1) do update set b = 'value2' returning id
:Savepoint a; MERGE INTO a t USING (select 'value1' field1 FROM DUAL) s ON ((SELECT t.field1 FROM DUAL) = s.field1) WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET b = 'value2' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (field1) VALUES(s.field1); SELECT id FROM a WHERE field1='value1'; commit;
update a set b = 'value1' where c = 'value2' returning e
:Savepoint a; UPDATE a SET b='value1' WHERE c='value2'; SELECT e FROM a WHERE c='value2'; commit;
update a set b = 'value1' where c = now()
(there are plenty of functions that are different, to support them, more works are needed)UPDATE a SET b='value1' WHERE c=(SYSTIMESTAMP)
select title from tasks limit 1
SELECT title FROM (SELECT title,ROWNUM RN FROM tasks) at WHERE at.RN<=1
select title from tasks limit 1 offset 2
SELECT title FROM (SELECT * FROM (SELECT title,ROWNUM RN FROM tasks) at WHERE at.RN<=3) att WHERE att.RN>2
select * from tasks where title ilike 'sdf%'
:SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE UPPER(title) LIKE UPPER('sdf%')
select (extract(year from now()) - extract(year from date_of_birth))::int from dual
:SELECT CAST(extract(year FROM SYSTIMESTAMP) - extract(year FROM date_of_birth) AS NUMBER) FROM dual
select count(distinct $1) from b
update a set b = b+'1'::int
most functions which has no corresponding function in oracle
insert into *** returning id