Read more about the system in this article.
You can add commands to Iris using an in-editor GUI or work directly with the Python DSL. For example:
from iris import state_types as t
from iris import IrisCommand
class GenerateArray(IrisCommand):
# what iris will call the command + how it will appear in a hint
title = "generate a random array of {n} numbers"
# give an example for iris to recognize the command
examples = ["generate numpy array of size {n}"]
# type annotations for each command argument, to help Iris collect missing values from a user
argument_types = {"n":t.Int("Please enter size of array:")}
# core logic of the command
def command(self, n):
import numpy
return numpy.random.randint(100, size=n)
# wrap the output of a command to display to user
# by default this will be an identity function
# each element of the list defines a separate chat bubble
def explanation(self, result):
return ["Here are the numbers", result]
Warning! The current version of Iris is an alpha release. We are still adding many new commands to the system and fixing bugs. A production-ready beta release will be out later this summer. Use at your own risk!
These are instructions to install and run Iris in debugging mode. A self-contained Electron app for OSX will be released later this summer.
You will first need to install anaconda. (Make sure to run source ~/.bash_profile
after you have installed Anaconda, if it is not appearing in your path.)
Install and run the Python components:
cd iris-agent/backend
# create new conda env called iris with necessary packages
conda create --name iris --file packages.txt
# enter the conda env
source activate iris
# install the remaining pip packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd app/
# run the backend application
Install and run the Javascript components. If you do not already have webpack, run npm install webpack -g
cd iris-agent
npm install
# build JS app with webpack (can also run webpack --watch in seperate command window)
# start electron (this will open the application automatically)
npm start
Both the backend and frontend must be running for Iris to work!
To verify the backend is working:
cd iris-agent/backend/test