Just a bunch of config files of my home system. Copy everything you like. Expect things to be broken.
will create symlinks to the home folder.
These are Arch packages. Adapt them if your using something else.
- hyprland
- hyprcursor-git
- wlogout
- xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git
- mako
- rofi-wayland
- cliphist
- wl-clipboard
- swaybg
- nwg-displays
- nwg-panel
- nwg-look
- physlock
- wallust-git
- python-pywalfox
- qt5-styleplugins
- qt6gtk2
- grimblast
- satty
- neovim
- neovide
- bun
- rustup
- git-delta
- ripgrep
- lazygit
- wl-clipboard
- zsh
- neovim-remote
- fastfetch
- wezterm
Other things
- ly