This repository contains the code to our corresponding publication "Medical Transformer for Multimodal Survival Prediction in Intensive Care through Chest Radiographs and Clinical Data".
In order to run this model, please download MIMIC-CXR-JPG and MIMIC-IV (version 1.0) datasets and follow the steps detailed in utils/mimic4extract to create the dataset splits.
Additionally, create a virtual environment (e.g. with conda):
conda create -n metra python=3.8
and run
conda activate metra
followed by
pip install -r requirements.txt
to download and install the required dependencies.
Note that we log our training results on Weights and Biases. (evtl. noch anpassen?)
Once everything is set up, run the follow commands to train the model.
To train the EHR model, run:
python classification/training/ dataset=mimic_lab meta.transforms=True model.output_logits=1 model=multi_modal_pretrained_vit_lab meta.prefix_name=EHR scheduler=cosine_annealing epochs=200 meta.batch_size=50 meta.cross_validation=False meta.num_workers=20 model.transforms.img_size=384 meta.gpus=[0] meta.imbalance_handler=None optimizer.lr_scheduler=None model.meta.p_visual_dropout=1.0 model.meta.p_feature_dropout=0.0
To train the CXR model, run:
python classification/training/ dataset=mimic_lab meta.transforms=True model.output_logits=1 model=multi_modal_pretrained_vit_lab meta.prefix_name=CXR scheduler=cosine_annealing epochs=200 meta.batch_size=50 meta.cross_validation=False meta.num_workers=20 model.transforms.img_size=384 meta.gpus=[2] meta.imbalance_handler=None optimizer.lr_scheduler=None model.meta.p_visual_dropout=.0 model.meta.p_feature_dropout=1.0
To train the EHR+CXR model, run:
classification/training/ dataset=mimic_lab meta.transforms=True model.output_logits=1 model=multi_modal_pretrained_vit_lab meta.prefix_name=EHR+CXR scheduler=cosine_annealing epochs=200 meta.batch_size=50 meta.cross_validation=False meta.num_workers=20 model.transforms.img_size=384 meta.gpus=[3] meta.imbalance_handler=None optimizer.lr_scheduler=None model.meta.p_visual_dropout=.3 meta.checkpoint_path=[ABSOLUTE PATH TO BEST EHR CHECKPOINT]
In order to evaluate the models, open the jupyter notebook located at classification/eval/evaluate.ipynb and follow the stops. Note that you will need to provide the paths to the trained models.