Get all stations and levels:,0,0/1,-,-,-/B13215&time=1719649800000
"idstazione": "-/987258,4485120/simnpr",
"ordinamento": 9999,
"nomestaz": "Castell'Arquato Canale",
"lon": "987258",
"soglia1": 0,
"value": 0.06,
"soglia2": 0,
"lat": "4485120",
"soglia3": 0
for the DB we could drop value and ordinamento
Get station time series:,4472121/simnbo&variabile=254,0,0/1,-,-,-/B13215
timestamps are unix timestamp in milliseconds, by dropping the last 3 digits we can read it as an u32 value is a f32
~27.5GB of data per year (he thick)
Use QuestDB timeseries DB with a background worker that every 60 minutes scraps all the stations for their infos Then the TUI can have a 2 mode logic:
- load data from the internet in real time
- load data from stored data in DB