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Example queries

Hylke van der Schaaf edited this page May 15, 2019 · 7 revisions

All these examples are not urlencoded, for readability. If you use these examples, don't forget to urlencode.

Greater than and smaller than

All things with an Id greater equal 5 and lessequal 20:

v1.0/Things?$filter=id ge 15 and id le 20

Overlapping time frames

The phenomenonTime and result of the first 1000 observations, ordered by phenomenonTime that overlap with the time frame from 2017-10-10 07:00:00 UTC to 2017-10-11 07:00:00 UTC (1 day):

  ?$orderby=phenomenonTime asc
  &$select=phenomenonTime, result
  &$filter=overlaps(phenomenonTime, 2017-10-10T07:00:00Z/2017-10-11T07:00:00Z)

The previous day

The observations of a Datastream, for the last day:

Datastreams(1)/Observations?$filter=phenomenonTime gt now() sub duration'P1D'

The last x days

The observations of a Datastream, for the last days, where the number of days is configured in properties/days of the Datastream:

Datastreams(1)/Observations?$filter=phenomenonTime gt now() sub duration'P1D' mul Datastream/properties/days

Odd or even

All observations with an even result

Observations?$filter=result mod 2 eq 0

Filters on related Entities

Datastreams that have data for the ObservedProperty with id 1

Datastreams?$filter=ObservedProperty/ eq 1

ObservedProperties that are measured at the same station as the ObservedProperty with name Temperature

ObservedProperties?$filter=Datastream/Thing/Datastreams/ObservedProperty/name eq 'Temperature'

Threshold detection

Filtering Observations where result is greater than a threshold stored in the properties of their Thing. The "add 0" is to indicate we want to use a numeric comparison. Since both Observation/result and Thing/properties can be anything, the server would otherwise default to a (safe) string-comparison.

Observations?$filter=result gt Datastream/Things/properties/max add 0

Ordering by function

Functions work for Ordering

Datastreams?$orderby=length(name) desc


All things, with their current Locations and Datastreams, and for those Datastreams the ObservedProperty and the last Observation:
