Releases: FreeCAD/homebrew-freecad
FreeCAD 0.20 Release DMG app bundle
This bundle was built with MacOS Mojave using an Intel processor targeting anything MacOS 10.14 and newer. It should however run on an Apple M1 processor using Rosetta2.
I set the below environment variables, and used the below cmake command to build the bundle,
export pthqt=/Users/brewmaster/homebrew/opt/qt5/lib/cmake
export pthnetgen=/Users/brewmaster/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/Contents/Resources/CMake
export bp=/Users/brewmaster/homebrew
I also prepended the beginning of my PATH
environment variable with the below two entries
/Users/brewmaster/homebrew/opt/[email protected]/bin
paths in variable names are specific to my user account for building
cmake \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$bp/opt/[email protected]/bin/python3" \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="$bp/opt/[email protected]/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers" \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$pthqt;$pthnetgen;" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$code/freecad-git/installs/build.release.0.20_001" \
the two commits i made to the upstream freecad source to complete this release are here
I then ran ../../installs/build.release.0.20_001/ -t 0
from within my build directory to test for any errors and the test suite came back with the below results,
Ran 762 tests in 245.872s
System exit
Happy CADing 🍻
FreeCAD 0.20beta1 (Git) DMG app bundle
This bundle was built with macos Catalina using an Intel and is designed for Intel, but should run on apple m1 using rosetta2.
FreeCAD v0.20.28870 git master + FreeCAD linkstage3 git master
this release contains my latest build of FreeCAD using the latest upstream master branch +1 commit to fix the mac app bundling. Also, included in this release is a build of realthunder's linkstage3 fork of FreeCAD.
A couple of notes about these releases
- these releases were built on macos catalina using intel and should run on any current macos or newer, intel and ARM (rosetta2 required)
- i built coin3d and pivy from git master head using [email protected]
- i built pyside2 & shiboken2 using [email protected]
- i built boost-python using [email protected]
- i unlinked upstream homebrew/core, tbb, opencascade, and vtk. so i ended up building and linking against the below versions
- vtk 8.2
- opencascade 7.5.3
- tbb@2020
i used the above versions of those formula/packages because i was unable to build realthunders fork using the upstream counterparts
when using multiple versions of freecad on the same box, something i've noticed is loading the different takes a little longer to launch initially, but sticking with that version subsquent launches should be quicker. this process starts again, ie. switching from upstream master to linkstage3
sha256sum FreeCAD-0.20-git-master.dmg
bda967813059e18be989787999f9af2c9c286ffd2c5110ec1b8cba4f81ca4500 FreeCAD-0.20-git-master.dmg
sha256sum FreeCAD-linkstage3-git-master.dmg
b612f677ac898504e419fb4055b26d27e6d08418356b89bcb130e8e85c58e9cf FreeCAD-linkstage3-git-master.dmg
FreeCAD realthunder's LinkDaily 0.20.30905 (Git) DMG app bundle
This release contains a 🗜 compressed dmg of a
mac app bundle for x86_64 processors, and should run on macOS (10.14) and later.
This mac app bundle of FreeCAD differs from the main upstream git master release of freecad, as this release is based off of realthunder's fork of freecad and is built from his LinkDaily branch. see his releases page for the changelog of his fork.
OS: macOS 10.15
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.20.30905 (Git)
Build type: Release
Hash: 0ee10a4b4376fcf7de42a458793a5c0898a060b5
Python version: 3.9.10
Qt version: 5.15.2
Coin version: 4.0.0
OCC version: 7.5.3
Locale: English/United States (en_US)
I used the below cmake command to assemble this release, after installing all the necessary freecad dependencies via homebrew.
export CC=$bp/opt/llvm@13/bin/clang
export CXX=$bp/opt/llvm@13/bin/clang++;
cmake \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$bp/bin/python3" \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="$bp/opt/[email protected]/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers" \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$pthxercesc;$pthocc;$pthmedfile;$ptheigen;$pthqt;$pthcoin;$pthtbb;$pthspnav;$pthnetgen;" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$code/freecad-git/installs/mar26.02.22.linkdaily" \
The attached DMG contains a working bundle, and the sha256sum for the DMG file is below,
if there's anything I've left out, or if something isn't working with this release please open issue in this GitHub repo
FreeCAD 0.20.28574 (Git) DMG app bundle
This release contains a working copy of
for x86_64 processors, and should run on macOS Mojave (10.14) and later.
below is the output of the Copy to clipboard from running the bundle on my local macbook.
OS: macOS 10.15
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.20.28575 (Git)
Build type: Release
Branch: ipatch.builds.master.head
Hash: 381a7a821fdd685077b7de7fe2dd0327d55e42a9
Python 3.9.10, Qt 5.15.2, Coin 4.0.0, OCC 7.5.3
Locale: English/United States (en_US)
this release contains one additional fix to get the mac app bundling working due to current upstream issues.
Testing on my build box, and daily driver, I did not experience the issues previously mentioned about the Addon Manager, things should just work now. 🤞
thus preventing the test suite from finishing because PyNastron
has a dependency on scipy
and scipy
has an issue when attempting to copy files into the app bundle due to arm64 references on an intel processor. further investigation required from manually testing the workbenches everything seems to load.
mac app bundling error message ❌
- INFO: Bundling /Users/brewmaster/homebrew/lib/libgdbm_compat.4.dylib
-- INFO: Updating dynamic loader paths...
error: /Applications/ no LC_RPATH load command with path: /usr/local/lib found in: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/ (for architecture arm64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /usr/local/lib"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/code/freecad-git/freecad-src/src/Tools/", line 388, in <module>
File "/opt/code/freecad-git/freecad-src/src/Tools/", line 380, in main
graph.visit(add_rpaths, [bundle_path])
File "/opt/code/freecad-git/freecad-src/src/Tools/", line 83, in visit
operation(self, self.graph[node_key], *op_args)
File "/opt/code/freecad-git/freecad-src/src/Tools/", line 303, in add_rpaths
check_call(["install_name_tool", "-delete_rpath", rpath, lib])
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 190, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['install_name_tool', '-delete_rpath', '/usr/local/lib', '/opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/']' returned non-zero exit status 1
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
freecad test suite error message ❌ without pyNastran installed
test_00print ( ...
********** run FEM TestObjectCreate tests **********************************************************
Module to read results not found.
Module pyNastran not found. Writing Mystran solver input will not be work.
test_femobjects_make ( ... doc objects count: 56, method: test_femobjects_make
Save FreeCAD all objects file to /var/folders/f7/qpd710l91bvcz5f6lbpm1p840000gn/T/FEM_unittests/objects_create_all_5a053b278e97/all_objects.FCStd ...
fish: Job 1, '/Applications/freecads/my.cmake…' terminated by signal SIGSEGV (Address boundary error)
freecad bundling error message with pyNastran installed via homebrew's pip ❌
-- INFO: Updating dynamic loader paths...
error: /Applications/ no LC_RPATH load command with path: /usr/local/lib found in: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/ (for architecture arm64), required for specified option "-delete_rpath /usr/local/lib"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/code/freecad-git/freecad-src/src/Tools/", line 388, in <module>
File "/opt/code/freecad-git/freecad-src/src/Tools/", line 380, in main
graph.visit(add_rpaths, [bundle_path])
File "/opt/code/freecad-git/freecad-src/src/Tools/", line 83, in visit
operation(self, self.graph[node_key], *op_args)
File "/opt/code/freecad-git/freecad-src/src/Tools/", line 303, in add_rpaths
check_call(["install_name_tool", "-delete_rpath", rpath, lib])
File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 190, in check_call
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['install_name_tool', '-delete_rpath', '/usr/local/lib', '/opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/']' returned non-zero exit status 1
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
-- Up-to-date: /opt/code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.head2/
I used the below cmake command to assemble this release, after installing necessary freecad dependencies via homebrew.
export CC=$bp/opt/llvm@13/bin/clang
export CXX=$bp/opt/llvm@13/bin/clang++;
cmake \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$bp/bin/python3" \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="$bp/opt/[email protected]/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers" \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$pthxercesc;$pthocc;$pthmedfile;$ptheigen;$pthqt;$pthcoin;$pthtbb;$pthspnav;$pthnetgen;" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.mar.20" \
The attached DMG contains the working
bundle, and the sha256sum for the DMG file is below,
if there's anything I've left out, or if something isn't working with this release please open issue in this github rep
add looks like there's a new splash screen 😎
FreeCAD 0.20.28286 (Git) DMG app bundle
This release contains a working
mac app bundle for x86_64 processors, and should run on macOS mojave (10.14) and later.
OS: macOS Mojave (10.14)
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.20.28286 (Git)
Build type: Release
Hash: 50f16686f1fd9813a099a380f2bdd3e243a0325b
Python 3.9.10, Qt 5.15.2, Coin 4.0.0, OCC 7.5.3
Locale: C/Default (C)
Testing on my build box, and daily driver, I did not experience the issues previously mentioned about the Addon Manager, things should just work now. 🤞
I used the below cmake command to assemble this release, after installing all the necessary freecad dependencies via homebrew.
export CC=$bp/opt/llvm@13/bin/clang
export CXX=$bp/opt/llvm@13/bin/clang++;
cmake \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$bp/bin/python3" \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="$bp/opt/[email protected]/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers" \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$pthxercesc;$pthocc;$pthmedfile;$ptheigen;$pthqt;$pthcoin;$pthtbb;$pthspnav;$pthnetgen;" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$code/freecad-git/installs/build.master.mar.20" \
The attached DMG contains the working
bundle, and the sha256sum for the DMG file is below,
if there's anything i've left out, or if something isn't working with this release please open issue in this github repo
FreeCAD 0.20.27223 (Git) DMG app bundle
This release has a known issue with the Addon manager as described in this forum post, and further discussed/reported in this forum thread
To get the Addon manager working, one needs to change the authentication for the Addon manager from SERVER
. Keep in mind, this disables SSL while using the Addon manager so be aware.
This is an Apple .app bundle I created using as many of the upstream hombrew-core formula as I could, while still attempting to build in as much of the app as possible ie. this build should contain a working FEM module, also the app bundle should include the netgen/ngsolve solvers. I also included the SPNAV/3dconnexion modules for those who have fancy mice.
the cmake command I used to setup the build folder,
cmake \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$bp/bin/python3" \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="$bp/opt/[email protected]/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers" \
"$pthxercesc;$pthocc;$pthvtk;$pthmedfile;$ptheigen;$pthqt;$pthcoin;$pthshiboken;$pthomp;$pthnetgen;$pthspnav;$pthpcl;$pthglew;$pthjsoncpp;$pthdoubleconversion;$pthutf8cpp;$pthtiff;$pthjpeg;$pthlz4;$pth3dconnex;" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="/opt/beta/freecad/amd64/builds/jan23.04.22" \
The $bp
environment variable is set to my $(brew --prefix)
as I'm working with multiple homebrew installations on this build box. Several of the QT formula/packages install rcc
and uic
i believe, qt@5, shiboken, and pyside@2 all provide these binaries, but i got the best results using the binaries provided by pyside@2 when running brew link pyside@2 and making sure the binaries provided by pyside@2 overwrote existing binaries in the $(brew -prefix)/bin
the additional cmake prefix paths are required once i enabled
. a quick way of getting a shell environment setup with the prefix paths for cmake is to source a file into the current env, so one doesn't have to continually add the environment variables once the shell has exited. I'll attach a txt file that can be sourced for quickly setting up the paths.
It's also in my interest to successfully build the Apple .app bundle on Big Sur box, hopefully provide M1 and amd64 builds of the .app bundle.
This bundle required some modifications to the freecad source code unfortunately due to the fact that i have homebrew setup for this build $USER
in /Users/brewmaster/homebrew
I'll attempt to send PR to the upsteram freecad repo about updating the build instructions, but for now, a common issue i ran into while assembling an apple .app bundle
-- ERROR: Unable to find LC_DYLD_LOAD entry: @loader_path/libicudata.69.dylib
The quickest fix i found is to modify the CMakeLists.txt
within the /src/MacAppBundle
directory of the freecad source, and define the path to my icuc install dir. There are some hardcoded paths in the src/MacAppBundle/CMakeLists.txt
that can use some updating to be more robust.
The changes to the above file can be seen in my fork of freecad
If i failed to find any issues with this release, please let me know so they can be resolved in future releases.
below is copy pasted from the About dialogue
OS: macOS 10.15
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.20.27223 (Git)
Build type: Release
Hash: a71fed1b36a1dfc5fc7836d2aa332075f19bd6b2
Python version: 3.9.10
Qt version: 5.15.2
Coin version: 4.0.0
OCC version: 7.5.3
Locale: English/United States (en_US)
[no ci] allow freecad app bundle to use libs with flat namespaces (#272)
FreeCAD 0.20.26155 (Git) DMG app bundle
This release has an issue with the addon manager as described in this forum post, and further discussed/reported in this forum thread
Fix ✅
to get the addon manager working again is change the authentication for the addon manager from SERVER
keep in mind in believe this disables SSL while using the addon manager so be aware. 🚨
This is an Apple .app
bundle I created yesterday using as many of the upstream hombrew-core formula as I could, while still attempting to build in as much of the app as possible ie. this build should contain a working FEM module based off netgen/ngsolve. I also included the SPNAV modules for those who have those fancy mice.
OS: macOS Mojave (10.14)
Word size of FreeCAD: 64-bit
Version: 0.20.26155 (Git)
Build type: Release
Hash: 0926a4148bcff11249fd4f56bc30256102ffe105
Python version: 3.9.7
Qt version: 5.15.2
Coin version: 4.0.0
OCC version: 7.5.3
Locale: English/United States (en_US)
the cmake command I used to setup the build folder,
cmake \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="$bp"/bin/python3 \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="$bp/opt/[email protected]/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.9/include/python3.9" \
-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="$bp/Cellar/qt@5/5.15.2/lib/cmake;$bp/Cellar/coin3d/4.0.0_1/lib/cmake;$bp/Cellar/pyside@2/5.15.2/lib/cmake;$bp/Cellar/llvm@11/11.1.0_3/lib/cmake;$bp/Cellar/[email protected]/6.2.2104/Contents/Resources/CMake;" \
--graphviz=/opt/code/ltmp/freecad-deps-with-netgen/freecad.graphviz.macapp.dep \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/beta/freecad.aplbundl.amd64 ../freecad-src/
- the
environment variable is set to my$(brew --prefix)
as I'm working with multiple homebrew installations on this build box. - several of the QT formula/packages install
i believe,qt@5
, andpyside@2
all provide these binaries, but i got the best results using the binaries provided bypyside@2
when runningbrew link pyside@2
and making sure the binaries provided bypyside@2
overwrote existing binaries in the$(brew -prefix)/bin
a couple of notes about building an Apple .app
bundle. i still haven't attempted to build the app bundle using the provided freecad.rb
formula contained within this tap, but hopefully i can start refining that formula sooner rather than later.
it's also in my interest to successfully build the Apple .app
bundle on Big Sur box, hopefully provide M1 and amd64 builds of the .app
bundle and even attempt to have all setup using github provided actions using CI/CD in the distant future.
this bundle required so modifications to the freecad source code unfortunately due to the fact that i have homebrew setup for this build $USER
in /Users/microbrewer/homebrew
. i'll attempt to send PR to the upsteram freecad repo about updating the build instructions, but for now, a common issue i ran into while assembling an apple .app
-- ERROR: Unable to find LC_DYLD_LOAD entry: @loader_path/libicudata.69.dylib
the quickest fix i found to allow the python2.7
script, is to modify the CMakeLists.txt and define the path to my icu install dir. there are some hardcoded paths in the src/MacAppBundle/CMakeLists.txt
that can use some updating to be more robust.
if i failed to find any issues with this release, please let me know so they can be resolved in future releases.
formulae bottles for mojave, catalina, big sur, + DMG
These are the most recent bottles (mojave) I've built circa July 27, 2021 with a mostly updated homebrew installation. Some of the Big Sur & Catalina bottles were grabbed from this repo using a shell script to pull the download URL from a JSON response provided by the brew
echo "sha256sum"
7e69e4eeb49814bc82a6774c8f32ea8f2fc81963ef793d21c170bb00243e780a FreeCAD-0.20-25356.dmg
figure out why building bottles on macos mojave is creating filenames withlearn more--
instead of-
update mojave bottles in this release to use proper naming convention
need to add cmake cmd for building freecad apple app
need to also upload a DMG of my build containing
bundle DMG -
research how to resolve issue
apple bundle, and why a manual install oflibpng
is required
The cmake cmd i used to setup the freecad src to compile an app bundle on macos mojave, which should work on Catalina and Big Sur as well.
echo "cd to an out of source build dir before attempting to run below cmake cmd"
cmake \
-Wno-deprecated-declarations \
-Wno-dev \
-DCMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT=/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.14.sdk \
-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE="/usr/local/opt/python3.9/bin/python3" \
-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR="/usr/local/opt/python3.9/Frameworks/Python.framework/Headers" \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/beta/freecad.apl ../freecad-src
DMG app bundle related notes
✨ update ✨ aug 1, 2021,
- i spun on a macos big sur vm to test the accompanying dmg apple bundle provided by this release, and as far as I can tell everything is working. even the
what's this
feature appears to be working, that's something i couldn't get working with the conda release. so to sum up, i've tested this release on a fully updated mojave box and a big sur vm running macos 10.0.1
- updated cmake cmd to disable freetype and the
bundle appears to be working as it should.