This GitHub organization is a "folder" of repositories for most programmatic coursework completed during my bachelor's degree in computer science. In addition to providing a means of organization and version control for my academic work, the repository also archives school programming projects and online recreational courses undertaken. Through this collection, one may gain an understanding of the topics explored and studied during my academic and personal endeavors in computer science.
The undergraduate degree in computer science provides a solid foundation of knowledge and skills for applying digital processes effectively to issues of broad interest in a global society. The curriculum builds on a base of fundamentals in programming and computational theory to allow each student the opportunity to explore a variety of computing paths in depth.
- Intro to Computing (CS 1301)
- Programming & Problem Solving I (CSE 1321L)
- Programming & Problem Solving II (CSE 1322L)
- Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (CS 1331)
- Data Structures & Algorithms (CS 1332)
- Computer Organization and Programming (CS 2110)
- Objects and Design (CS 2340)
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CS 3510)
The Systems & Architecture thread is where many of the practical skills of computing are learned. This thread teaches you about the organization of computer systems, how they are built using different hardware and software layers and how they are programmed.
The Systems & Architecture thread deals with a complete vertical slice of system building from processor design, memory organization to virtualization and operating system layers all the way up to the programming interfaces, languages and the tool chains such as compilers, debuggers and profilers. It emphasizes different system properties such as performance, power consumption, reliability, security, and availability. This thread spans a vast spectrum of systems ranging from parallel and distributed systems to emerging multi-core systems, as well as domain specific systems (such as gaming consoles, healthcare information systems, real-time embedded controllers used in avionics, and so on).
- Systems and Networks (CS 2200)
- Digital Design Lab (ECE 2031)
- Design-Operating Systems (CS 3210)
- Processor Design (CS 3220)
- Embedded Systems (CS 4220)
- Compilers & Interpreters (CS 4240)
The Intelligence thread is concerned with top-to-bottom computational models of intelligence. To this end, we emphasize designing and implementing artifacts that exhibit various levels of intelligence as well as understanding and modeling natural cognitive agents such as humans, ants, or bees. Students acquire the technical knowledge and skills necessary for expressing, specifying, understanding, creating, and exploiting computational models that represent cognitive processes. The Intelligence thread prepares students for fields as diverse as artificial intelligence, machine learning, perception, cognitive science, and countless fields in which these areas of computational intelligence are applied.
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (CS 3600)
- Introduction to Perception and Robotics (CS 3630)
- Machine Learning (CS 4641)
- Game AI (CS 4731)