Code and data required to run matrix projection models for global human population
Reference: Bradshaw, CJA & Brook, BW. 2014. Human population reduction is not a quick fix for environmental problems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 111(46):16610-16615.
Main R script for projecting global human populations to 2100 (BradshawBrook.HumanProjectionsSE.r).
Also included are life-table data for each WHO region (as .CSV files) and the world combined:
- afrD (Africa Region D)
- afrE (Africa Region E)
- AmA (Americas Region A)
- AmB (Americas Region B)
- eMedB (Eastern Mediterranean Region B)
- eMedD (Eastern Mediterranean Region D)
- EurA (Europe Region A)
- EurB (Europe Region B)
- EurC (Europe Region C)
- SEAB (South East Asia Region B)
- SEAD (South East Asia Region D)
- wPacA (Western Pacific Region A)
- wPacB (Western Pacific Region B)
- world2013lifetable (world combined)
Finally, a matrix operators code list is included to project matrices (matrixOperators.r)
CJA Bradshaw Flinders University [email protected] April 2018