if((UserFeeling === 'Lazy') && (UserKnows === 'Terminal 🥴') && (UserUsesGit === true)){
console.log('You should use this!')
This has been tested and used on MacOS and will 100% work on Linux
This has been checked thoroughly and it looks fine (from my eyes) and as i do not have a windows machine (i do but too "busy" to check, its a windows 8 cries) if it doesn't work then make an issue and ill personally see to it that it gets fixed.
It was converted using : https://daniel-sc.github.io/bash-shell-to-bat-converter/
It might help to download the file someplace other than your "downloads" folder so that when you have run out of storage and you do a ctrl + a ==> delete, it won't be a wonder when it suddenly disspears
Make sure you copy the full path, i saved it a folder called "AAA-GLOBAL-LIBS" eg:
Add an alias in your shell profile .zprofile/.zshrc/.bashrc
alias lgit="sh /Users/username/AAA-GLOBAL-LIBS/lazygit/lazygit.sh"
I know that you prob can make your own, but here is my way of making it