This repository contains an open source library that provides modelling of multi-degree-of-freedom systems and assessment via nonlinear time-history analyses for regional vulnerability and risk calculations. The vulnerability toolkit is developed by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) Foundation and its collaborators.
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- Modelling of Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Oscillators in OpenSees: Model single- and multi-degree-of-freedom system using low-level information (e.g., number of storeys, first-mode transformation factor, SDoF- or storey-based force-deformation relationships);
- Linear and Nonlinear Analysis in OpenSees:
- Modal Analysis: Estimate Periods of Vibration and Modal Shapes;
- Gravity Analysis
- Nonlinear Static Analysis: Perform Static and Cyclic Pushover Analyses to Characterise the Lateral Load-Resisting Response of the System;
- Dynamic Analysis: Perform Nonlinear Time-History Analyses using Selected Ground-Motion Records;
- Fragility Analysis: Calculate Median Seismic Intensities and Total Associated Dispersion (i.e., Record-to-Record Variability and Modelling Uncertainty):
- Regression Analysis following Cloud Analysis Method to Characterise EDP|IM Relationship and Calculate Exceedance Probabilities of Damage;
- Vulnerability Analysis: Calculate Vulnerability Functions to Estimate Decision-Variables (Economic- and Human-Based) Conditioned on Ground-Shaking Intensity using Consequence Models (Damage-to-Loss Ratios)
- Plotting: Plot Analysis Outputs
- Model Overview: OpenSees Model (Nodes and Elements)
- Cloud Analysis Results and Fitted IM|EDP Relationship
- Seismic Demand Profiles: Distribution of Peak Storey Drifts and Peak Floor Accelerations
- Fragility Functions
- Vulnerability Functions
Follow these steps to install the required tools and set up the development environment. Note that this procedure implies the installation of the OpenQuake engine dependencies. This procedure was tested on Windows and Linux OS. It is highly recommended to use a virtual environment to install this tool. A virtual environment is an isolated Python environment that allows you to manage dependencies for this project separately from your system’s Python installation. This ensures that the required dependencies for the OpenQuake engine do not interfere with other Python projects or system packages, which could lead to version conflicts.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the folder where you intend to install the virtual environment using the "cd" command.
cd <virtual_environment_directory>
- Create a virtual environment using the following command:
python3 -m venv <virtual_environment_name>
- Activate the virtual environment:
On Linux:
source <virtual_environment_directory>/bin/activate
On Windows:
- Enter (while on virtual environment) the preferred directory for "oq-vmtk" using the "cd" command
cd <preferred_directory>
- Clone the "oq-vmtk" repository
git clone https://github.com/GEMScienceTools/oq-vmtk.git
- Complete the development installation by running the following commands depending on your python version {py-version} (e.g., 310, 311 or 312):
On Linux
pip install -r requirements-py-linux.txt pip install -e .
On Windows
pip install -r requirements-py-win64.txt pip install -e .
The repository includes demo scripts that showcase the functionality of the vulnerability-modellers-toolkit (oq-vmtk). You can find them in the demos folder of the repository.
To run a demo, simply navigate to the demos directory and execute the relevant demo script in Jupyter Lab. Jupyter Lab is automatically installed with oq-vmtk.
- Open a terminal and activate the virtual environment:
On Linux:
source <virtual_environment_directory>/bin/activate
On Windows:
To deactivate virtual environment:
- Open Jupyter Lab from the terminal:
- Navigate to the "demos" folder
- Run the examples
Contributors are gratefully acknowledged and listed in CONTRIBUTORS.txt.
This work is licensed under an AGPL v3 license (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html)
You can follow the instructions indicated in the contributing guidelines