Wired Panda 2.3
We are proud to announce wiRed Panda 2.3!
In this release, we are introducing brand new features such as:
- Dark/Light theme support
- New icons
- Leds with 1 to 4bit input
- Waveform simulation for non-sequential circuits
- Export waveform to clipboard as png
- Export circuit as png image
- New deploy script
- Flip command - Vertical and Horizontal
- App geometry is restored at launch
- Many little improvements and bugfixes
- This is probably the most stable version of wiredPanda until now, seriously.
This is the release of WiRed Panda 2.3, please download the software below and help us to track the bugs sending requests to our issues page, or send an answer to our google form.
Thank you for all the support.