Releases: GIBIS-UNIFESP/wiRedPanda
Wired Panda v2.6.1
WiRed Panda is back!
Binaries here linked were built by GitHub, in this GitHub Actions run.
Dependencies on Linux:
When using wiredpanda-2.6-1.deb
, dependencies should be managed by dpkg
For Debian-based distros:
sudo apt install qt5-default qt5-qmake qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5charts5-dev
Note: this is not needed when using the AppImage.
For macOS:
brew install qt
WiredPanda v2.6.0
This version of Wiredpanda ships some news:
- We have added two new output elements: 4x4 LedGrid and 14 segment display
- We have fixed some bugs too.
This is the release of WiRed Panda 2.6.0, please download the software below and help us to track the bugs sending requests to our issues page.
Thank you for all the support.
WiredPanda v2.5.1
Faster than ever! This version of WiredPanda ships many improvements under the hood:
- We have refactored the main components of the circuit simulation in order to reduce the graphics overhead.
- The Box management is improved too, now the circuit loads faster.
This is the release of WiRed Panda 2.5.1, please download the software below and help us to track the bugs sending requests to our issues page, or send an answer to our google form.
Thank you for all the support.
WiRed Panda v2.4.2
Fixed Waveform, and many other issues.
WiRed Panda v2.4.1
Fixed JK-FlipFlop
Fixed T-FlipFlop
WiRed Panda 2.4
v2.4.0 QSoundEffect
Wired Panda 2.3.4
Nessa versão temos novidades:
- Forma de onda funcionando novamente
- Autosave - Salva um arquivo temporario a cada 5 alterações no arquivo
- Save não destrutivo - Só substitui arquivo original se tudo der certo.
- Fullscreen - Para quando for testar os joguinhos
- Cores mais bonitas no modo dark...
- Traduções atualizadas
- Novo ícone do panda
- Novos casos de teste
- Exportar forma de onda para arquivo txt
Wired Panda 2.3.3
Since version 2.3.2 we have introduced new functions and bugfixes:
- Fixed waveform bugs.
- Navigate through elements using Tab key when editing properties such as Labels and Triggers.
- Dark theme updates.
- New icons for memory elements
- New color for selection
- New sorting order for waveform elements
- Full screen visualization.
This is the release of WiRed Panda 2.3.3, please download the software below and help us to track the bugs sending requests to our issues page, or send an answer to our google form.
Thank you for all the support.
Wired Panda 2.3
We are proud to announce wiRed Panda 2.3!
In this release, we are introducing brand new features such as:
- Dark/Light theme support
- New icons
- Leds with 1 to 4bit input
- Waveform simulation for non-sequential circuits
- Export waveform to clipboard as png
- Export circuit as png image
- New deploy script
- Flip command - Vertical and Horizontal
- App geometry is restored at launch
- Many little improvements and bugfixes
- This is probably the most stable version of wiredPanda until now, seriously.
This is the release of WiRed Panda 2.3, please download the software below and help us to track the bugs sending requests to our issues page, or send an answer to our google form.
Thank you for all the support.
Wired Panda 2.2-alpha
We are proud to announce the alpha release of wiRed Panda 2.2!
In this release we are introducing brand new features such as:
- Flip-flop outputs are reseted to 0 and 1 when a wire is connected to it.
- Fast mode option in View Menu.
- It makes the application uglier, but faster.
- Removed a critical bug that made the application crash after an undo action.
- Changed the led colors.
- Now it's easier to see when the led is turned on or off.
- Some memory optimizations.
This is the alpha release of WiRed Panda 2.2, please download the software below and help us to track the bugs sending requests to our issues page, or send an answer to our google form.
Thank you for all the support.