Created a skeleton app for SAP ABAP eLearning with lessons, tests, and a chatbot. Included responsive mobile-first design using Tailwind CSS, and added JavaScript for interactivity. The code defines the structure and functionality for an eLearning app, where lessons and tests are dynamically loaded, and a page with chatbot interface is integrated.
This is a repository 🌟🤖
Changes made via will be committed to this repo.
If you clone this repo and push changes, you will have them reflected in the GPT Engineer UI.
This project is built with React and Chakra UI.
- Vite
- React
- Chakra UI
git clone
cd abap-elearning-skeleton
npm i
npm run dev
This will run a dev server with auto reloading and an instant preview.
- Node.js & npm - install with nvm