An react application, where you can add any task you want and manage it!
Live demo here
- Problem
- Solution
- User Stories
- User Journey
- Screenshots
- Technologies Used
- Usage
- Project Status
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- Many people struggle with forgetting the most important tasks of the day.
- Build a website that helps users to add any task that they need to do it and provide the ability for manage it by (delete,edit).
- I want to be able to see all my tasks.
- I want to be able to add any task i want.
- I want to be able to to cross out any task i completed.
- I want to be able to delete any task i dont need it.
- I want to be able to edit any task that i added.
- When opening the
website you'll be faced with our title and buttonAdd Task
to create a new task. - when you click the button, A window will appear for you containing two input field and submit button, you can add title for task in
Task Name
input, and description inDescription
textarea. - By click
button, you will see your task added to your page. - You can complete any task by click its complete icon.
- You can delete any task by click its delete icon.
- You can edit any task by click its edit icon and the same window will appear for.
Note: all screenshots are from a device which is 1000px wide
- Home Page
- Create Task
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- react.js
- git clone
- Change your current directory
cd ./ TasksTracker
- Open it with your favorite text editor
code .
- Install node mudules
npm intall
- Open the app
npm start
- Enjoy Contributing to the TasksTracker website
Project is: Completed
- This project was based on Week 9 - Code Academey.
Created by @Ibrahim-Jarada, @khaled-samy - feel free to contact us!