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Exclude Lpsolve from R and Cpp interface of volesti

Apostolos Chalkis edited this page Mar 23, 2022 · 1 revision


Lpsolve is a C package (with R interface) to solve Linear Programs (LPs). GeomaScale's C++ library volesti uses the C code of Lpsolve to solve LPs. These computations are useful to compute the maximum interior ball of a convex polytope. However, for several high-dimensional polytopes, Lpsolve fails to compute the inner ball correctly. This leads to an unexpected halt of volesti. The project will exclude from the R and C++ interfaces of volesti the Lpsolve solver and replace it with other R and C++ software that can solve LPs.

Related work

A few CRAN R packages that can solve LPs are: (i) nloptr, (ii) quadprog, (iii) qpmadr, (iv) ipop. However, the student will have to take into account other open-source R and C++ packages.

Details of your coding project

The student will have (i) to make research to find the most CRAN optimization packages that can solve LPs, (ii) repeat step (i) for C++ software, and (iii) to perform extended comparison experiments for the software in (i) and (ii), and (iii) implement the computation of the maximum inner ball of a polytope in R and C++. Then, the student will have to integrate the new function to the R and C++ interface of volesti.

Difficulty: Easy


  • Required: C++, R
  • Preferred: Experience with mathematical software is a plus

Expected impact

This is a very useful project for volesti, since it could be used for more complex inputs without failing to perform the preprocess that is necessary for sampling and volume computation.


  • Apostolos Chalkis <tolis.chal at> is an expert in statistical software, computational geometry, and optimization, and has previous GSoC student experience (2018 & 2019) and mentoring experience with GeomScale (2020 & 2021).

  • Manolis Christoforou is an expert in open-source development, machine learning, and optimization.

  • Zafeirakis Zafeirakopoulos is an expert in implementing and benchmarking geometric and algebraic algorithms and has previous GSOC experience with the R-project (2018, 2019).

Students, please contact the first and the third mentor after completing at least one of the tests below.


Students, please do one or more of the following tests before contacting the mentors above.

  • Easy: Built and run the R and C++ interfaces of volesti. Compute the maximum ball of a polytope using the existing functions.
  • Medium: Report one more CRAN package except for nloptr, quadprog, solveqp, and ipop that can compute the maximum ball of a polytope. Report also 2 open-source C++ packages that solve linear programs.
  • Hard: Implement the maximum ball computation with CRAN package nloptr.

For tips and references contact the Mentors!

Solutions of tests

Students, please post a link to your test results here.