Kubeflow on Google Cloud v1.6.0
- 🔼 Upgraded upstream Manifests to v1.6.0
- 🔼 Upgraded ASM to v 1.14 (#385).
- 🔼 Upgraded Knative to v 1.2 (#373).
- 🔼 Upgraded cert-manager to v 1.5 (#372).
- 🔼 Upgraded pipelines to v 2.0.0-alpha.4.
- 🔼 Upgraded APIs to support GKE 1.22 (#349).
- 🔨 Improved deployment stability (#371, #376, #384, #386).
- 🚚 Removed deprecated kfserving, cloud-endpoints, and application manifests (#375, #377).
- 🧪 Validated deployment using GKE 1.21 and GKE 1.22.