GothicKit is a community-run organization hosting libraries and tools for the early 2000's games Gothic and Gothic II. These games are still today being played, modded and adapted by many passionate fans, so good tooling, libraries and documentation are needed. That's where GothicKit comes in. Currently, we provide the ZenKit library, originally known as lmichaelis/phoenix, an asset parser for both Gothic and Gothic II, written in C++ as well as bindings for other programming languages like C. There is also phoenix studio which uses ZenKit to provide a set of tools for inspecting and converting game files from the terminal.
Currently GothicKit, and especially ZenKit, is being used by these awesome projects:
Gothic-UnZENity aims to recreate the world of Gothic as a VR-game. It is a fork of GothicVR
High performance DirectX11 viewer/renderer for Gothic assets (VDF or single files). Attempts to closely recreate original G1/G2-AddOn look and lighting.
GothicVR aims to recreate the world of Gothic as a VR-game.
OpenGothic is a re-implementation of Gothic II in a new, modern game engine which runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS.