Web-based tool for browsing the GF's resource grammar library (RGL).
This tool is hosted live here, where it is kept up to date with the latest RGL.
You can launch a Docker container running the browser with the latest RGL using:
$ ./run-docker.sh
This will take some time the first time you run it. Once building is complete you will see:
│ │
│ Serving! │
│ │
│ - Local: http://localhost:5000 │
│ - On Your Network: │
│ │
You can then browse to http://localhost:5000
in your browser to use it.
When done, hit Ctrl-C
in the terminal window running the container.
The tool can also be run locally on a Linux/macOS. General steps:
- Clone this repository somewhere servable by your local webserver (or use a symlink). On macOS:
$ clone https://github.com/GrammaticalFramework/rgl-source-browser.git
$ sudo ln -s $(pwd)/rgl-source-browser /Library/WebServer/Documents/
- Build the tags (this should be done whenever your grammars are updated).
You need to spefic the
variables, e.g.:
OS=mac GF_RGL=/Users/john/repositories/gf-rgl ./build-tags.sh
Valid values of OS
are bsd
, mac
, gnu
, linux
- Open the app in a browser, e.g.:
open http://localhost/rgl-source-browser