A very basic text adventure game
This is just a simple text game to play around with my coding skills. It is not balanced or complete in any way.
If for some reason you want to run it, all you need to do is python adv.py
To move around you may enter a cardinal direction, move {cardinal direction}
or simply rhe first letter of the direction you'd like to move in.
"take": `take {item name}` - Removes {Item} from room and adds to Player's inventory.
"get": `get {item name}` - Removes {Item} from room and adds to Player's inventory.
"drop": `drop {item name}` - Removes {Item} from Player's inventory and adds to room.
"toss": `toss {item name}` - Removes {Item} from Player's inventory and adds to room.
"throw": `throw {item name}` - Removes {Item} from Player's inventory and adds to room. -Will update later
"leave": not_implemented,
"eat": not_implemented,
"drink": not_implemented,
"search": `search`: - Prints contents of room.
"move": `move {['n','e','w','s',]}` - Changes Player's current room.