One of the best way to write log, can re-locate the output to different device such as screen/file/wechat/mail/sms
All of the function was packaged to a DLL, you can use it very easy.
// Get one of instance of UltraLog, used singlton design pattern.
extern "C" LOGDLL_DECLARE ILog * GetLogInstance();
// add a new log output device to Ultralog, all of the deivce which is defined in IniFile would be outputted to.
extern "C" LOGDLL_DECLARE void AddNewLog(ILog * pNewLog);
// remove the log instance, called at the exit of caller.
extern "C" LOGDLL_DECLARE void RemoveLogInstance();
write a log to output device as the following
ILog * theLog = GetLogInstance();
theLog->AddRecord("Hello, world", ILog::LogInfo);
or LPSTR szMsg = "Hello, world"; theLog->AddRecord(ILog:LogInfo, "the message is %s", szMsg);
virtual VOID AddRecord(LPCTSTR szMessage, LogType type= logInfo) = NULL;
virtual VOID AddRecord(LogType type , LPCTSTR lpszFormat, ...) = NULL;
the log output level is the below.
char *szAllLevel[] = {"debug", "info". "warning", "error", "fatal"};
which is defined in config file.
the sample of config file is the below , which is als can be merged to the other ini file of caller.
Output = File, Screen, Mail , SMS #print the log to File, Screen, mail and SMS, can be one of these
FileName = E:\Kiwa-tech\log\gate.log # the filename of the Log, can used absolute diectory or relative dirctory.
MaxSize = 5120 K # the maximue size of the log file ,when over the maxsize, the log file will be backuped.
LogLevel = Debug
Remark = #anythings you want to input.
ListBoxName = LogListBox #the controller which shown the log message.
MaxSize = 1024 # thea maximue lines of the listbox controller.
LogLevel = Debug
Remark =
SMTPServer = # the smtp server of mail
User = test
password = test
LogLevel = Debug
GroupSize = 128
Remark =
MoblieNo = 15800888888 #the moblile you used to send the log.
LogLevel = Fatal
GroupSize = 1
Remark =
Group = #which group you want to send log, can be the wechat account and wechat group
Account = #your account to used send the log
LogLevel = Fatal