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Hey Mentor API Surface

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The project contains the API surface that supports the following Hey Mentor projects. See the API Surface section below for more details.


  1. Node.js and NPM

  2. MongoDB

  3. Environment Variables

Deploying a Local Database

You can set up your own deployment by following these steps:

  1. Install MongoDB

    You can download the community server if you want to run the DB locally, or you can sign up for MongoDB Atlas, which is free cloud hosting of a Mongo DB instance.

    This tutorial will assume that you are deploying the community server version.

    Special notes for installing on Windows:

     * Choose the MSI installer
     * Use default settings to install as network service
     * You may need to create a folder C:\data\db
  2. Execute Mongo DB once you have it installed

    For Windows, "C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.0\bin\mongod.exe"

  3. Install MongoDB Compass, Robo3T or any preferred Mongo DB UI

  4. In the UI, connect to your MongoDB database, usually localhost:27017

  5. Create one database called HeyMentor (only do this the first time you set up)

    In the new database, create a new collection: Users

  6. In order to correctly populate the DB, and to run the API itself, you will need an environment variables file.

    Under the root project folder, create a new file: .env

    If you are part of the Hey Mentor dev team, contact your administrator for the correct .env data.

  7. To test that your deployment is working, run the test suite npm test

Deploying locally

<Set .env with correct variables>

npm install

npm start


Once you correctly have Mongoose running locally on your machine (following the instructions above),and you have the correct environment variables, you can run npm run db:populate to populate the db with a bunch of fake data for local testing and development work.

Before submitting changes, run the test suite locally via npm test to identify any test or linting failures

API Surface

Mobile App API Surface

Endpoint: /register/<facebook||google>?access_token=<token>

Upgrades a federated identity access token (example: a Facebook access token) for a Hey Mentor identity token (api key), which can be used to authenticate against the API.

Response: Identity Token, User ID, or Error

All of the following calls require a registered API access token

Endpoint: GET /profile/:userId?token=<token>

  • Gets the user data of the given user.

Endpoint: PUT /profile/:userId?token=<token>

  • Update a users profile data


    user: {
        person: ...
        demo: ...

Endpoint: GET /contacts/:userId?token=<token>

  • Gets the public contact info of the users contacts.

Endpoint: POST /chat/token/:userId?token=<token>

  • Generates a chat token for client side messaging


    device: <client device ID>

Admin APIs

All of the following calls require a registered API access token, and the

calling user must be an admin

Endpoint: POST /admin/chat/create?token=<token>

  • Creates a user account with chat capability, from an existing Hey Mentor user


    user_id: <ID of an existing Hey Mentor user>

Endpoint: POST /admin/chat/channel/create?token=<token>

  • Creates a fully-initialized chat channel for communication between a set of users


	"user_ids": [<User Ids array -- array of strings>]


Back-end API to support Hey Mentor offerings







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