Built on ember-skeleton skeleton application framework using Ember.js and Rake Pipeline.
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec rackup
├── Assetfile - App build file
├── Gemfile - Package dependencies for rakep/rack
├── Gemfile.lock - Here be dragons: don't touch, always include
├── app - App specific code
│ ├── css - App CSS or SCSS (.scss)
│ ├── lib - App code, *modularized during build*
│ ├── modules - Module code, *already modularized*
│ ├── plugins - Plugins (e.g. jquery.jsonrpc.js)
│ │ └── loader.js - JS module loader
│ ├── static - Static files, never touched, copied over during build
│ ├── templates - Handlebars templates, *modularized during build*
│ ├── tests - QUnit application tests
│ └── vendor - Vendor code, *modularized during build*
├── assets - Built out asset files, minified in production
│ ├── app.css - Built out app CSS/SCSS
│ ├── app.js - Built out app JS
│ └── loader.js - Built out JS module loader
├── config.ru - Rack development web server configuration
├── index.html - The app entry point
├── tests - QUnit testing files
│ ├── index.html - The testing entry point
│ ├── qunit - Testing support files
│ └── run-tests.js - The PhantomJS QUnit test runner
└── tmp - Temporary build files used by rakep
You can test the app by invoking:
$ bundle exec rake test
This executes the tests by using PhantomJS, which you need to have installed.
Or you can run the tests via:
$ bundle exec rackup
$ open http://localhost:9292/tests/index.html
If you want to continuously run the tests every time a file changes, invoke:
$ bundle exec guard
Site is hosted on github pages, http://highlandwebgroup.github.com/
rm -rf tmp assets
RAKEP_MODE=production bundle exec rake build
git add assets
git commit -m "updated assets files for deployment"
git push origin master