Keeping storing decoded uniswap universal router txpool and transaction data, visualization, analyzing, and trading on the base
title Uniswap Universal Base System Overview
Person(user, "User", "UniswapUniversalBase User")
Boundary(b1, "UniswapUniversalBase") {
Boundary(b2, "FrontEnd", "boundary") {
System(Vizualizer, "Vizualizer (TBD)", "Provide Vizualized Uniswap Universal Data")
System(Trader, "Trader (TBD)", "Trade Automatically with L1/L2 Designated Stratedy (By Uniswap API)")
Boundary(b3, "BackEnd", "boundary") {
System(GraphQL, "GraphQL", "Provide Data with Query and Subscription, Store Data with Mutation")
System(Batcher, "Batcher", "Extract and Store Past Uniswap Transaction from L1/L2 Block Chain")
System(Publisher, "Publisher", "Extract and Store Current Uniswap Txpool and Transaction from L1/L2 Block Chain")
SystemDb(MongoDB, "MongoDB", "Store L1/L2 Uniswap Transaction and Txpool Data")
BiRel(user, Vizualizer, "Uses")
BiRel(user, Trader, "Uses")
BiRel(Trader, Vizualizer, "Uses")
BiRel(Trader, L1, "Execute Transaction")
BiRel(Trader, L2, "Execute Transaction")
Rel(Vizualizer, GraphQL, "Subscribe Data")
Rel(Publisher, L1, "Retrive Current Data")
Rel(Publisher, L2, "Retrive Current Data")
Rel(Batcher, L1, "Retrive Past Data")
Rel(Batcher, L2, "Retrive Past Data")
Rel(Batcher, MongoDB, "Store Past Data")
Rel(Publisher, GraphQL, "Cast Mutation")
Rel(GraphQL, MongoDB, "Store Current Data")
Boundary(b4, "BlockChain") {
SystemDb_Ext(L1, "L1 BLockChain", "Existing L1 (Ethereum) Uniswap Data")
SystemDb_Ext(L2, "L2 BLockChain", "Existing L2 (Base or OP) Uniswap Data")
Signature <-- TransactionData : has-a
DecodedData <-- TransactionData : has-a
BlockHeader <-- TransactionData : has-a
Signature : String _type
Signature : String network
Signature : String r
Signature : String s
Signature : String v
DecodedData : [Object] contents
DecodedData : String deadline
BlockHeader: String _type
BlockHeader: String baseFeePerGas
BlockHeader: String difficulty
BlockHeader: String extraData
BlockHeader: String gasLimit
BlockHeader: String gasUsed
BlockHeader: String hash
BlockHeader: String miner
BlockHeader: String nonce
BlockHeader: Int! number
BlockHeader: String parentHash
BlockHeader: Int timestamp
BlockHeader: [String] transactions
TransactionData: ID! _id
TransactionData: Object provider
TransactionData: Int blockNumber
TransactionData: String blockHash
TransactionData: String! hash
TransactionData: Int type
TransactionData: String to
TransactionData: String from
TransactionData: Int nonce
TransactionData: String gasLimit
TransactionData: String gasPrice
TransactionData: String maxPriorityFeePerGas
TransactionData: String maxFeePerGas
TransactionData: String data
TransactionData: String value
TransactionData: String chainId
TransactionData: Date createdAt
TransactionData: DecodedData decodedData*
TransactionData: [String] accessList
TransactionData: Signature signature*
TransactionData: BlockHeader blockHeader*
- Can Grasp Uniswap Universal Router Data Flow Correctly
- Can Grasp Uniswap Universal Router Data Statistically
- Can Have the Chances to Trade L1 and L2 Arbitration
- Can Use the Data as Machine or AI Learning
Micro Services | Description |
MongoDB | Store Univerwap Universal Decoded Data from L1/L2 Blockchain |
GraphQL | Provide Subscriptions, Queries, Mutations for the System |
Batcher | Extract Past Universal Decoded Data from L1/L2 Blockchain and Store to MongoDB |
Publisher | Extract Current Universal Decoded Data from L1/L2 Blockchain and Publish Mutation to the GraphQL |
Vizualizer (TBD) | Vizualize Current and Past Uniswap Universal Router Data by Using the GraphQL |
Trader (TBD) | Trade by Using Vizualized and Airbitrary Data form Vizualizer and the GraphQL Data with L1/L2 Block Chain (RPC) |
$ sudo apt install docker
$ git clone
cd uniswap-universal-base
vi .env
- Universal Router Address is here
#Set Your Mongo DB Root User Name
#Set Your Mongo DB Root User Password
#Set Your DB Name Which Store Uniswap Universal Router Decoded Data
#Set Your DB User Name
#Set Your DB Password
# Set Uniswap L1 (Ethereum) Universal Router Address
# Set Uniswap L2 (Base or Optimism) Universal Router Address
# Set Your L1 WebSocket RPC Endpoint
# Set Your L2 WebSocket RPC Endpoint
# Mutation Access Token
- Setting part is Here
- Detailed Description is Here
- Note: If you increase the frequency, it emit a lot requests to RPC Endpoints (i.e. Consume a lot of Resources)
$ vi docker-compose.yml
# Request block size in parallel (async)
# Retrive Days (from now)
# Pause time per requests
# Request block size in parallel (async) in L2 block
# Retrive Days (from now) in L2 block
# Pause time per requests in L2 block
- Run entire service
$ docker compose up -d
- Run batch (If you want to obtain batch of data again after network troubles)
$ docker compose run -d batcher
- Checking container logs
$ docker compose logs -f --tail 100
Micro Services | URL |
GraphQL | http://localhost:4000/graphql |
Mongo DB Express | http://localhost:8081 |
Mongo DB | localhost:27017 |
Vizualizer (TBD) | |
Trader (TBD) |
- It will increase for developing Vizualizer.
- Several Queries and Subscriptions are available here
- login
$ docker-compose exec mongo bash
# mongosh -u root
test> use uniswapData
uniswapData> db.l1_transactions.find({ "decodedData.contents" : {$elemMatch : {"value": "[Change it]"}}})
- Getting Latest one of the command exmaple
uniswapData> db.l1_transactions.find({ "decodedData.contents" : {$elemMatch : {"value": "TRANSFER"}}}).sort({ createdAt: -1 }).limit(1)
- Counting Data
uniswapData> db.l1_transactions.countDocuments()
- Getting Index
uniswapData> db.l1_transactions.getIndexes()
{ v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' },
v: 2,
key: { blockNumber: 1 },
name: 'blockNumber_1',
background: true
v: 2,
key: { hash: 1 },
name: 'hash_1',
background: true,
unique: true
v: 2,
key: { 'blockHeader.timestamp': 1 },
name: 'blockHeader.timestamp_1',
background: true
v: 2,
key: { createdAt: 1 },
name: 'createdAt_1',
background: true,
expireAfterSeconds: 86400