Is an android application, developed to notify students of Tyumen university about new tasks and upcoming deadlines on UTMN LMS / LXP, also to provide easy access for weekly task schedule. This application is being developed as a product of the English project assignment by freshmans (aproximately 10.2024 - current time).
The application executes the python script using Chaquopy to extract the LMS calendar data.
git clone --recurse-submodules
- Fix the layout scaling (some bottom elements are not showing appropriately on some devices)
- Improve the design
- Add courses names
- Make switching to schedule tab independent from parsing process
- Render description as html
- Make every activity survive config changes (rotation, theme changing)
- Add loading animation
- Make each note as a clickable card view
- Add credits to settings
- Modify time format
- Provide android 9.0 support
- Add notification for new tasks appearing in calendar
- Add notification about upcoming deadline (timestart)
- Add customizable amount of auto-checks per day (min is disabled, max is 24, default is 3)
- RU/EN + full RU->EN descriptions translation
- Make automated checking starts at time defined by user (default is 6am)
- Make upcoming deadline notification timing customizable (default is 5 hours)
- Limit the amount of reloads per 15 minutes, to reduce the server load
- Add notification if the activity time changed
- Switch from python parser to okhttp
- Replace multiple cast of classes and generally improve quality of code