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Lightweight – no dependencies – React API for rest calls supporting Provider config and use hooks.

It's basically fetch wrapped in a React Context providing React hooks and React Consumer.

So, this doc will not explain how all this concepts works but how this package wrap it.


  • Configurable: Configure fetch calls, for custom headers or prefix url for example
  • Flexible: Keep full fetch options to be overridable
  • React compliant: Wrap fetch on React context - even the native fetch
  • Help: Automatic resolve query params
  • Safe: Don't mutate the window.fetch
  • Light: 3 639 bytes of source code - no third part dependencies ( + 10.5kb of README and pacakge related stuffs )

See a working demo on codesandbox :

This package is currently served as-is. With usage of all ES6 features without any bundling and/or specific whatever the system is used.

TL;DR – basic full usage sample

npm i react-rest-api

import React, { useState, } from 'react'
import { ApiProvider, useGet } from 'react-rest-api'

const SWPerson = ({ id }) => {
  const { loading, result, error, } = useGet(`people/${id}`)

  if (loading) {
    return 'loading ...'

  if (error) {
    return error.toString() // Render String from Error type

  return JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)

const resolveCallback = response => response.json()

const App = () => {
  const [url, setUrl] = useState('')
  const [config, setConfig] = useState({
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'

  return (
      url={url} // Optional: prefix url api calls
      config={config} // Optional: Init default config of fetch
      setUrl={setUrl} // Optional: Provide context accessible function to update state
      setConfig={setConfig} // Optional: Provide context accessible function to update state
      resolveCallback={resolveCallback} // Optional: Provide callback function for success fetchs
      <SWPerson id={3} />

const AppAlternative = () => {
  const [apiConfig, setApiConfig] = useState({
    url: '',
    config: {
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'

  return (
    <ApiProvider {...apiConfig} setConfig={setApiConfig}>
      <SWPerson id={3} />

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));


  • npm i react-rest-api


Configure API

NOT REQUIRED. You can add the Provider if it's useful for you

You can use ApiProvider to with url and config to configure fetch:

import { ApiProvider, useGet } from 'react-rest-api'

const url = ''
const config = {
  Authorization: 'aksjhdksjhfalksdjghlaksdjhflksdjahfa'
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-ApiKey': '1234567890'

const Page = () => {
  const {loading, result, error} = useGet('people/3', )

  if (loading) {
    return 'loading ...'

  return JSON.stringify(error || result, null, 2)

const App = () => (
    <Page />

url (Optional)

    url={String} />

Will prefix all api call with provided url.

Note: There is extra managment of /. Be careful dealing with it

config (Optional)

    config={Object} />

config should be an object corresponding will send as fetch init param by default for all api calls.

Merge method allow to overrided this default by the config param of all api methods.

resolveCallback | rejectCallback (Optional)

    resolveCallback={Function : Promise}
    rejectCallback={Function : Promise} />

This should be methods which will be binded to the then/catch result of fetch and apply to all api calls.


const resolveCallback = response => response.ok ? response.json() : Promise.reject(response)

This will reject the call into rejectCallback and error result of api calls.

Note: fetch API consider a 400 response as success call with ok: false.

setUrl | setConfig

    setUrl={Function : any}
    setConfig={Function : any} />

Basically these are shortcuts providing context level functions through nested components.

It's allow calls from api which be directly call provided function.

dispatch (Optional)


    dispatch={dispatch} />

A function will be called during fetch process. To be used with reducers dispatch functions.

Call the api

Since it's a configured React context, you have a two native ways to access the apis + convienient hooks provided by this package.

Access api with useContext

import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import { ApiContext } from 'react-rest-api'

const SWPerson = () => {
  const api = useContext(ApiContext)

This is a demo sample, if you use useContext you probably should wrap your call in a useEffect or useCallback depending the need then apply the result in then/catch or await / try catch.

Access api with ApiConsumer

Usage without hooks.

import React from './react'
import { withApi } from 'react-rest-api'

const _SWPerson = () => {
  componentDidMount() {
    const { api } = this.props


export const SWPerson = withApi(_SWPerson)

// Or alternative

import React from './react'
import { ApiConsumer } from 'react-rest-api'

const _SWPerson = () => {
  componentDidMount() {
    const { api } = this.props


export const SWPerson = (...props) => <ApiConsumer>{ api => <_SWPerson {...props} api={api} /> }</ApiConsumer>

Access api through custom hooks > use[Method]

import React from './react'
import { useGet } from 'react-rest-api'

const SWPerson = () => {
  const { loading, result, error } = useGet('')

Available api methods

api fetch

api.fetch(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object) : Promise

This function is the most important part the main motivation of this project.

  • url: the called url. If one is define in ApiProvider, it will be concatenate. There is currently no transformation arounds the slashes / treatment so don't miss yours ;)

  • config: gracefully merge the object with config of ApiProvider.

    config can take an extra parameter _stringifyBody which result to JSON.stringify(config.body)

  • queryParams: is an Object for query params, under the hood use URLSearchParams to build a string then concat to url with a ?.

    api.get('localhost', undeifned, {param1: 'value1'}) result to a call on localhost?value1=value1

api get | post | put | del

api.get(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object) : Promise string, config: Object, queryParams: Object) : Promise
api.put(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object) : Promise
api.del(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object) : Promise

Respectively corresponding to GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods.

This method are wrapper of api.fetch with pre-defined config: {method: 'METHOD'}.

Note: You can call api.get('localhost', method: 'POST'}). This will result to an effective POST call, overriding the method.


api.raw(url: string, config: Object) : Promise

Simple wrapper of original window.fetch method in the Context. You probably don't need it. It's use internally and it's simply exported

api useFetch | useGet | usePost | usePut | useDelete | useRaw

useFetch(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object, conditions: Array) : Promise
useGet(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object, conditions: Array) : Promise
usePost(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object, conditions: Array) : Promise
usePut(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object, conditions: Array) : Promise
useDelete(url: string, config: Object, queryParams: Object, conditions: Array) : Promise
useRaw(url: string, config: Object, conditions: Array) : Promise

Same signature as original methods plus an Array of conditions.

conditions is an Array passed as-is to the useEffect method as dependencies.

api setUrl | setConfig

setUrl(any) : any
setConfig(any) : any

In order to call this function you should define them in Provider

Once defined, allow you to call these callbacks in the whole context. See the codesandbox for more informations.