APIs services of the project hoovada.com
- We follow this structure example
- Configuration file is at app/settings/config.py, we use environment variables to manage conf in production.
- For any change in DB, please put the command into sql/
- Language: pypy3.6
- Framework: Flask
- Database: MySQL
- OpenAPI: flask-restx
- Front-end data format: Json
- DB migration: Flask-Migrate; the library could not detect every changes, i.e. change of data type. If migration does not work, please put the required sql command into sql/
- ORM: SQLAlchemy
- Hashing: Flask-Bcrypt
- MySQL client library: PyMySQL
- Wasabi client library: boto3
- twilio client library: twilio
- Testing: staging and test
- Production: hoovada.com
- Logging: grafana.hoovada.com
- Please branch out from dev
$ git clone https://gitlab.com/hoovada/hoovada-services.git
$ git checkout -b dev origin/dev
$ git checkout -b <your branch name> dev
// do your development
$ git add --all
$ git commit -s -am "your message"
// You might also need to rebase from upstream remote branch before pushing
$ git rebase upstream/dev
// To push your branch
$ git push -u origin <your branch name>
- Then you can create merge-request (top left corner of gitlab UI) with the source branch is your branch and the target branch is dev branch.
$ docker build -f ./docker/app/Dockerfile .
$ docker run <name of image> -p 5000:5000
- To run API services on local
// For Linux distribution, you might need to install dependencies
$ apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y enchant && apt-get install -y libenchant-dev && apt-get install -y hunspell-vi
// We use pypy3.6 running on production, you can follow these step to set up pypy3.6 on conda environment for Linux
$ cd /tmp
$ wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ sha256sum /tmp/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh
$ bash /tmp/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p /usr/share/miniconda3
$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/miniconda3/bin/conda /usr/bin/
$ conda create --name pypy_env
$ conda env list
$ conda activate pypy_env
$ conda install -c conda-forge pypy3.6
$ ln -s $HOME/.conda/envs/pypy_env/bin/pypy3 $HOME/.conda/envs/pypy_env/bin/python
// For Macos, the location might be $HOME/miniconda/envs/pypy_env/bin/pypy3
$ python -m ensurepip
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip3 install -r <path to project>/requirements.txt --ignore-installed
// Run APIs and socketIO on development environment
$ ./%HOME/.conda/envs/pypy_env/bin/python <path to project>/manage.py -m dev -p <port>
$ ./%HOME/.conda/envs/pypy_env/bin/python <path to project>/manage_socketio.py -m dev -p <port>
If you face with mixed-content issues https vs http, change api = HTTPSApi() to api=Api() in app/apis.py.
Setting up DB
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON hoovada.* TO <user>@'%';
// import data
$ mysql -u username -p hoovada < data.sql
- You can run both app and DB with docker-compose
// You need to build every time you update code
$ cd <path to project>
$ docker-compose build
// Docker-compose up will run 4 dockers: API, socketio, DB and adminer for DB UI, REMEMBER to re-build before re-rerunning this
$ docker-compose up
// Some other useful commands
$ docker-compose ps
$ docker-compose logs <name of container>
// to completely wipe out the set-up
$ docker-compose stop
$ docker-compose rm
- Swagger: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/openapi
- adminer: http://localhost:80, user/password/db: dev/hoovada/hoovada
When you have changes for database. E.g: adding new table, you hate to do migration
Firstly, access the backend environment to have flask-migrate already. Start db container and access it
docker-compose start backend
docker exec -it hoovada-services_backend_1 /bin/bash
In docker bash. Run:
flask db migrate -m "what you've changed in db"
check migrations/versions/ for the new file.
Next time when you run flask db upgrade
, the migration is executing.
Code style: Please follow Pep8 coding style
Third-party library: Please add library + version into app/requirements.txt
Quote: Please use either ‘’ or “” but not both
import statement:
- Please use full path import
- Recomend to import only necessary function not entire package, i.e. if you only need sqrt():
Recommended: from math import sqrt Not recommended: import math
Status code: Please use English only, i.e. in send_error and send_result.
Exception - EAFP principle: use except/try instead of if/else, also if possible please use specific exceptions instead of generic exception.
Plese use pylint before pushing code
$ pip3 install pylint
$ pylint <your files>
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under a proprietary License - see the LICENSE.md file for details