Software and documentation for Quantum Power System for measurement of electric power. Developed in the scope of EMPIR project 19RPT01 QuantumPower - Quantum traceability for AC power standards.
Developement document for QPsw
Yet to do:
Type | Task | status |
hw | design multiplexer | ✔ |
hw | produce multiplexer | ✔ |
hw | check multiplexer errors | partially |
sw | make multiplexer driver | ✔ |
sw | check multiplexer driver | ✔ |
sw | implement multiplexer driver into TWM | ✔ |
sw | check multiplexer in TWM | ✔ |
sw | update QWTB | ✔ |
sw | update GOLPI to new Matlab and Octave versions | ✔ |
sw | update GOLPI to LabVIEW 2020 | ✔ |
sw | update infostrings | ✔ |
sw | update TWM to LabVIEW 2020 | ✔ |
sw | improve TWM to handle QPsw | almost finished, postponed for TWM to LV2020 conversion and mutliplexer driver integration |
sw | design control QPsw | working on… |
sw | make control QPsw | ❌ |
sw | check control QPsw | ❌ |
alg | make demultiplexing QPsw algorithm | ✔ |
alg | test demultiplexing QPsw algorithm | ✔ |
alg | make ADC calibration algorithm | ✔ |
alg | test ADC calibration algorithm | ❌ |
alg | speed up ADC calibration fitting | ❌ |
alg | make signal simulator | ✔ |