This project enables a Raspberry Pi to emulate a number of existing Beeb peripherals plus some new ones:
- ADFS Harddisc
- Music 5000 / 3000
- Expansion RAM (480Mbytes for a PiZero)
A simple Level shifter is required to connect the 1MHz port to the beeb. A Pizero and level shifter can sit under a Beeb or Master.
PiZero and PiZeroW are treated as the same. Pi3B+ is also supported via a cable as it won't fit under the computer. Pi3A+ should also work but hasn't been tested.
You will need a PiZero or Pi3B+ with a cable, SDCARD and level shifter and some means of powering the Pi ( a bit of wire from the beeb)
Copy the contents of the firmware directory to the root of your SDCARD. If you want a prepared ADFS harddisc you can copy to the root of the SDCARD otherwise you can find out more details on creating an ADFS LUN at :
Insert the SDCARD into the pi. Attach the level shifter to the pi and insert into the 1MHz bus socket of the beeb. Take extra care to ensure that it is connected correctly. You will also need to take +5v from somewhere to power the pi, this can be the user port or Tube for example.
ADFS harddisc emulation is based on BeebSCSI. For more information goto : . If you have a Master then you will have ADFS already in ROM. If you have a beeb you will need ADFS. It is possible if the computer boots very fast and the SDCARD is slow that the computer boots faster than the Pi in this case an extra CTRL-BREAK will be required.
Read speed appears to be about 100K/sec.
The emulation can play sounds through the computers internal speaker. If you are using the pi3B+ you can use the headphone jack. Currently if an ADFS access occurs while playing music the musics will be interrupted briefly.
See the command.txt section for various configuration options
Two types of JIM expansion ram are supported:
- Byte mode : 16Mbytes
- Page mode : 480Mbytes for Pizero, 992Mbytes RPI3B+
Byte mode uses the registers &FC02, &FC01, &FC00 to select the byte and FC03 to read and write the memory.
Page mode uses the registers &FCFD &FCFE FCFF to select the page for FD00--FDFF
The first page of JIM ram is preloaded with build information. This can be accessed by doing PRINT $FD00. This is RAM so can easily be over written.
If a file called "JIM_Init.bin" exists it will be loaded starting at the beginning of JIM onwards ( NB over writes build info). This enables future very large programs which, with clever programming could all run in JIM RAM.
&FCCA selects the command/status address &FCCB is the return status / command write.
Addresses currently defined
- &00 : Readonly : JIM RAM size in 16Mbyte steps
- LED override : depending on the pi use either bcm2708.disk_led_gpio=xx or bcm2709.disk_led_gpio=xx where xx is the pi GPIO number
- M5000_BeebAudio_Off=1 to turn off Audio out of the Beeb and enable stereo on the headphone jack of Pi3B+
- M5000_Gain=xxxx : Over rides default gain of 16. Add 1000 to disable auto scaling as well. Auto scaling reduces the gain if the signal clips
You will need a linux command prompt. Under windows10 I use windows bash shell. You will also need the arm dev tools : gcc-arm-8.3-2019.03-x86_64-arm-eabi.tar.xz . in the src/scripts directory you can select the platform you'd like to build for by excuting the ( for pi zero) and ( for rpi3B+). Then just use make -j4. Copy the firmware directory to the root of your SDCARD. Serial debug can be enabled using the configure scripts. Or the complete systemcan be built in one goes (PiZero, RPI3 both normal and debug) by using the script
The current PCB is too small to have a serial debug connector fitted. I fitted a 3 pin sil header to the underside of my pizero ( 0v TX TX)
Donations to developement of Projects are welcome, especially if you are make a profit from using the project e.g. selling boards or kits.
Pi1MHz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Pi1MHz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Pi1MHz. If not, see <>.