The Wildlife Transfer Parameter (WTP) is a Django-based web application designed to manage and visualise radioactivity data on wildlife. This README provides instructions on setting up the project locally.
Before you begin, ensure the wtp file is unzipped and you have the following installed on your system:
- Python 3.6 or higher
- PostgreSQL - from
- pip (Python package installer)
- Django - 'pip install django'
In the project directory, run to create virtual environment: python -m venv wtp_env
Activate virtual environment: .\wtp_env\Scripts\activate
When the virtual environment is activated, install all necessary packages listed in requirements.txt through: pip install -r requirements.txt
To create the database, open through the command prompt the PostgreSQL command line: psql -U postgres
This requires knowledge ot the password from the PostgreSQL installation.
Then, set up the user and database by running all those: CREATE DATABASE wtp_db; CREATE USER wtp_user WITH PASSWORD 'wtp_P4$$'; ALTER ROLE wtp_user SET client_encoding TO 'utf8'; ALTER ROLE wtp_user SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed'; ALTER ROLE wtp_user SET timezone TO 'UTC'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE wtp_db TO wtp_user; GRANT USAGE, CREATE ON SCHEMA public TO wtp_user; ALTER DATABASE wtp_db OWNER TO wtp_user; ALTER USER wtp_user CREATEDB; (for testing)
If you use a different username or password, you need to change this in the database connection information in _wtp/
Django knows the database schema (in data_app/ Migrate the database schema to PostgreSQL: python makemigrations python migrate
Start the Django development server to test if everything is set up correctly: python runserver
Access the Application: Open a browser and call to see the website.
If the website has no styling, run: python collectstatic
If the re is a 'connection refused' error, restart PostgreSQL: pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\16\data" restart
To manually edit PostgreSQL tables, use: psql -U wtp_user -d wtp_db (or replace with your differing table and user)
run: python test
The WTP system uses on tables including ActivityConcUnit
, Habitat
, Element
, User
, StudyType
, Reference
, DataCR
, etc.
Sample data files for these models are provided in the static/excels
To import data into the system, use custom management commands in the data_app
This is how they are used to import data:
python importdata /path/to/excel_files/
python importusers /path/to/excel_files/
Whenever a model is changed, run: python makemigrations python migrate