Personal configuration of Glzewm and Zebar.
I have written a few scripts to add in some features that aren't in glazewm.
Zebar has not been customized yet as I am unfamiliar with HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
My own implememtation of workspace focus
- Normal focus if workspace to be focus is on the monitor currently focused.
- If the workpace to be focus is on another monitor, the scripts moves it to the monitor currently focused and swap if it is top on another monitor.
Workspace swapping between Monitors
- Swaps workspace between monitors
Install node.js
- I recomand installing nvm-windows:
Install GlazeWM-js
Get the scripts
- Download from release
- Alternalively, git clone and build it yourself
- Navigate in to glazewm/scripts
- Build the script you want with
Change glazewm config
- Follow my glazewm config