A frontend test to test dev skills. The candidate must produce a checkout page from the figma (ignore the other pages): https://www.figma.com/file/uTmmvoFOeq3Gfe96Aa77f7/Front-end-Test?node-id=1%3A871
Images can be extracted from the figma and used statically in the project.
Requirements for the test are the use of scss, react, redux (you can use redux toolkit), the techniques used in the project will be evaluated. It is allowed to research on web and to use any frameworks.
Full resource: https://www.figma.com/file/uTmmvoFOeq3Gfe96Aa77f7/Front-end-Test?node-id=1%3A871
The fields of the checkout should be submit to https://5f8df37c4c15c40016a1e46d.mockapi.io/api/v1/place-order using POST. You don't need send the fields of payment method, just the payment selected.
List of products (to use in review section): https://5f8df37c4c15c40016a1e46d.mockapi.io/api/v1/products
List of payment methods: https://5f8df37c4c15c40016a1e46d.mockapi.io/api/v1/payment-methods
List of states: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/deniscsz/c9bb2c6f664928d19acd8848cea57462/raw/8b0dbb93521f5d6889502305335104218454c2bf/states_titlecase.json