A proxy service for a ClearBlade Edge that takes optimized Modbus slave data sent via the Inmarsat global satellite network and re-maps to native Modbus registers for use within a private Enterprise environment.
Uses a secure HTTP connection between the Enterprise and ClearBlade public or private cloud, running within your LAN environment on private IP addresses. Data collected from the field runs over the Inmarsat private network with secure connectivity to the ClearBlade platform.
The solution imports a simple text configuration file of your Modbus RTU/outstation, compatible with Inmarsat's IsatData Pro Modbus Proxy application running on ORBCOMM IDP/Lua terminals such as the ST6100. You specify the set of registers you want to poll, and optimize the refresh rate plus compress the data to minimize network costs. Supplement regular polling with remote analytics and alerts that make sure you trap relevant events or changes within seconds. Your SCADA/master can poll within your Enterprise domain more frequently without missing an event, while getting less critical data in due course.
Reliable, secure, scalable data from your remote field devices anywhere in the world.
Technical documentation lives here: