A Plugin by Erik_R
Paste the .jar file into your plugins folder on your Minecraft Server. The Plugin will automaticly create a config under plugins/Mora/config.yml
- Commands:
- Enderchest: /ec [Opens someones Enderchest (Use "/ec PLAYER" to see the Specified Players Enderchest)]
- Inventory /iv [Opens someones Inventory (Use "/iv PLAYER" to see the Specified Players Inventory)]
- Anvil /av [Opens an Anvil]
- EnchantingTable /et [Opens an Enchanting Table]
- Crafting /cr [Opens a Crafting Table]
- Grindstone /gs [Opens a Grindstone ]
- Loom /lm [Opens a Loom]
- BlastFurnace /bfn [Opens a Blast Furnace]
- StoneCutter /sc [Opens a Stone Cutter]
- SmithingTable /st [Opens a Smithing Table]
- Furnace /fn [Opens a Furnace]
- Smoker /ffn [Opens a Smoker]
- Mora /mora: [Information about Mora (Use "/mora commands" to list all commands)]
- Freeze /freeze [Makes the Specified Player unable to move]
- UnFreeze /unfreeze [Makes the Specified Player able to move again]
- Commands:
- Enderchest: /ec [mora.ec]
- Inventory /iv [mora.iv]
- Anvil /av [mora.av]
- EnchantingTable /et [mora.et]
- Crafting /cr [mora.cr]
- Grindstone /gs [mora.gs]
- Loom /lm Opens a [mora.lm]
- BlastFurnace /bfn [mora.bfn]
- StoneCutter /sc [mora.sc]
- SmithingTable /st [mora.st]
- Furnace /fn [mora.fn]
- Smoker /ffn [mora.ffn]
- Mora /mora: [Information about Mora (Use "/mora commands" to list all commands)]
- Freeze /freeze [mora.freeze]
- UnFreeze /unfreeze [mora.freeze]