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Common Tasks

IridiumIO edited this page May 11, 2023 · 1 revision


Styling the window

Set the theme and accent color of the app

Override predefined colors

Override the theme at element level

Enable IntelliSense for XAML resources

Styling the window

The window style provided by this library offers the following features:

  1. Make the title bar adapt to the current theme.
  2. Provide a consistent window chrome across different Windows versions.
  3. Provide a back button on the top left corner.
  4. Enable title bar customization.

Three are two ways to apply the style:

  1. For simple scenarios, just set ui:WindowHelper.UseModernWindowStyle="True" on the window.
  2. If you have your own window style, you can base it on DefaultWindowStyle:
<Style x:Key="MyWindowStyle"
       BasedOn="{StaticResource DefaultWindowStyle}">

If you don't need the features mentioned above, using the style is not mandatory. Setting the following properties on the window should suffice:

Background="{DynamicResource SystemControlPageBackgroundAltHighBrush}"
Foreground="{DynamicResource SystemControlPageTextBaseHighBrush}"

Set the theme and accent color of the app

The default theme and accent color are as follows:

  • For systems running Windows 10, the system accent color is used. If the Windows version supports the "choose your default app mode" setting, this setting is used; otherwise, the light theme is used.
  • For systems running an earlier version of Windows, the light theme and the color #0078D7 (default blue) are used.

To override the default settings, set properties on the ThemeResources class in App.xaml. For example:

<ui:ThemeResources RequestedTheme="Dark" AccentColor="Red" />

Values set this way are applied at both design time and runtime. If you'd like to change them at runtime, it's usually more convenient to use the ThemeManager class, which supports data binding. For example:

private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    ThemeManager.Current.ApplicationTheme = ApplicationTheme.Dark;
    ThemeManager.Current.AccentColor = Colors.Red;

Override predefined colors

The easiest way is to use the ColorPaletteResources class. For example, edit the ui:ThemeResources element in App.xaml to following:

        <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Light">
                    AltHigh="LightGray" />
        <ResourceDictionary x:Key="Dark">
                    AltHigh="DarkGray" />

Now in the light theme, Green is used as the accent color and LightGray is used as the AltHigh color. Colors for the dark theme are set in the same way.

Override the theme at element level

Set the ThemeManager.RequestedTheme attached property on any FrameworkElement. For example:

    Background="{DynamicResource SystemControlBackgroundAltHighBrush}"
    <Button Content="Dark theme button" />

Now this Border and its descendants will use the dark theme while the theme used by the rest of the app remains unchanged. Note: This feature sometimes doesn't work correctly at design time.

Enable IntelliSense for XAML resources

Add a DesignTimeResources.xaml file to the project, and edit it to following:

        <ui:IntellisenseResources Source="/ModernWpf;component/DesignTime/DesignTimeResources.xaml" />
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