An app for managing and following distibution of tasks between members of a company.
This app consumes Restful APIs developed with Spring Boot that you can find in this repo Gamma
The following screen shot shows the result of the case where a user enters false credentials
The interface changes based on the role of the user
- Case 1 An admin signs in : Nav Bar will include buttons for managing users and tasks
- Case 2 A normal user signs in : Nav Bar will NOT include buttons for managing users and tasks
- Admins can add new users via a form, they must type required fields as they must respect the correct formats of fields (emails, tel numbers ...etc)
- Admin can not add a new user with an existing username
Users can add tasks by introducing A a title, a description and a duration for the new task
- An admin can see lists of users by their state (free or occupied)
- When the admin clicks on the green button, list of new tasks will show up so he can choose a one to be affected to the user
The Application uses JWT standard to secure communication with backend.